2000 Russian presidential election explained

Previous Election:1996 Russian presidential election
Previous Year:1996
Next Election:2004 Russian presidential election
Next Year:2004
Election Date:26 March 2000
Turnout:68.64% (0.14pp)
Opinion Polls:Opinion polling for the 2000 Russian presidential election
Image1:RIAN archive 100306 Vladimir Putin, Federal Security Service Director (cropped).jpg
Nominee1:Vladimir Putin
Party1:Independent politician
Alliance1:Unity, OVR, SPS
Popular Vote1:39,740,467
Party2:Communist Party of the Russian Federation
Popular Vote2:21,928,468
Image3:Ba-yavlinsky-g-a-1999-june (sq, cropped).jpg
Nominee3:Grigory Yavlinsky
Popular Vote3:4,351,450
Acting President
Posttitle:Elected President
Before Election:Vladimir Putin
After Election:Vladimir Putin
Before Party:Independent politician
After Party:Independent politician

Presidential elections were held in Russia on 26 March 2000.[1] Incumbent prime minister and acting president Vladimir Putin, who had succeeded Boris Yeltsin after his resignation on 31 December 1999, sought a four-year term in his own right and won in the first round.

As of 2024, this is the last Russian presidential election in which losers (Gennady Zyuganov and Aman Tuleyev) carried federal subjects. In all subsequent presidential elections, the winner (Putin) carried all federal subjects.


In spring 1998, Boris Yeltsin dismissed his long-time head of government, Viktor Chernomyrdin, replacing him with Sergey Kirienko. Months later, in the wake of the August 1998 economic crisis in which the government defaulted on its debt and devalued the rouble simultaneously, Kirienko was replaced in favor of Yevgeny Primakov. In May 1999, Primakov was replaced with Sergei Stepashin. Then in August 1999, Vladimir Putin was named prime minister, making him the fifth in less than two years.[2] Putin was not expected to last long in the role and was initially unknown and unpopular due to his ties to the Yeltsin government and state security. In the late summer and early fall of 1999, a wave of apartment bombings across Russia killed hundreds and injured thousands. The bombings, blamed on the Chechens, provided the opportunity for Putin to position himself as a strong and aggressive leader, capable of dealing with the Chechen threat.

Yeltsin had become exceedingly unpopular. Yeltsin was increasingly concerned about the Skuratov, Mercata and Mabetex scandals that had prompted articles of impeachment.[3] He narrowly survived impeachment in May 1999. In mid-1999, Yevgeny Primakov and Yuri Luzhkov were considered the frontrunners for the presidency. Both were critical of Yeltsin, and he feared that they might prosecute him and his family for corruption should they ascend to power.[4] Primakov had suggested that he would be “freeing up jail cells for the economic criminals he planned to arrest.”[5]

On December 19, 1999, the Kremlin's Unity Party finished second in the parliamentary elections with 23 percent; the Communist Party was first with 24 percent. By forming a coalition with Yabloko and the Union of Right Forces, Yeltsin had secured a favorable majority in the Duma. By the December election, Putin's popularity had risen to 79% with 42% saying they would vote for him for president.[5]

On New Year's Eve 1999, Yeltsin announced that he would be resigning early in the belief that “Russia should enter the new millennium with new politicians, new faces, new people, who are intelligent, strong and energetic, while we, those who have been in power for many years, must leave.” In accordance with the constitution, Putin became acting president.

The elections would be held on 26 March 2000, as Russian law required an election to be scheduled three months after the office of president is vacated. Before Yeltsin's resignation, the 2000 presidential election had been expected to be held in June or July.[6] [7] [8] The Duma had originally passed legislation scheduling the first round of the election for June 4, with a runoff scheduled for June 25 if necessitated.[8] [9]

In early 2000 Unity and the Communist Party had developed an alliance in the Duma that effectively cut off Putin's rivals, Yevgeny Primakov, Grigory Yavlinsky, and Sergei Kiriyenko. Yuri Luzhkov, the reelected Mayor of Moscow, announced that he would not compete for the presidency; Primakov pulled out two weeks after the parliamentary elections. The early election also reduced the chances that public sentiment would turn against the conflict in Chechnya.[10]

New campaign law

A new federal law, "On the election of the president of the Russian Federation" was passed in December 1999. It required that candidates gather a million signatures to be nominated (although the shortened election meant this was reduced to 500,000). A majority in the first round was enough to win. Failing that, a second round of voting between the top two candidates would be decided by majority vote. The new law also created stricter campaign finance provisions. The new law, in conjunction with the early election would have further helped Putin, who could rely on favorable state television coverage.


See main article: Candidates in the 2000 Russian presidential election.

Of 33 candidates nominated, 15 submitted application forms to the Central Electoral Committee of Russia, which registered 12. They are listed in the Russian alphabetical order they appeared on the ballot.

Candidate name, age,
political party
Political officesRegistration date
Stanislav Govorukhin
Deputy of the State Duma
(1994-2003 and 2005–2018)
Film director
15 February 2000
Umar Dzhabrailov
Power of Reason
Businessman18 February 2000
Vladimir Zhirinovsky
Liberal Democratic Party
Deputy of the State Duma
Leader of the Liberal Democratic Party
2 March 2000
Gennady Zyuganov
Communist Party
Deputy of the State Duma
Leader of the Communist Party
28 January 2000
Ella Pamfilova
For Civic Dignity
Minister of Social Protection
of the Population of Russia

15 February 2000
Alexey Podberezkin
Spiritual Heritage
Deputy of the State Duma
29 January 2000
Vladimir Putin
Endorsed by Unity, OVR and SPS
Acting President of Russia
Prime Minister of Russia
Director of the Federal Security Service
7 February 2000
Yury Skuratov
Prosecutor General of Russia
18 February 2000
Konstantin Titov
Governor of Samara Oblast
10 February 2000
Aman Tuleyev
Governor of Kemerovo Oblast
7 February 2000
Grigory Yavlinsky
Deputy of the State Duma
Leader of the Yabloko party
15 February 2000



Gennady Zyuganov and Grigory Yavlinsky were the two strongest opposition candidates. Zyuganov ran on a platform of resistance to wholesale public ownership, though he supported a return of illegally privatized property to the state. He opposed public land ownership and advocated for strong public services to be provided by the state. He would also strengthen the country's defense capabilities and would resist expansion by the United States and NATO. Grigorii Yavlinsky (Yabloko) ran as a free marketer but with measured state control. He wanted stronger oversight of public money, an end to the black market and reform of the tax system coinciding with an increase in public services. He also advocated for a strengthened role for the State Duma and a reduction in the size of the civil bureaucracy. He was the most pro-Western candidate, but only to an extent as he had been critical of the war in Chechnya yet remained skeptical of NATO. One of Putin's major campaign platforms was “dictatorship of the law” and “the stronger the state, the freer the people.”

Putin mounted almost no campaign in advance of the 2000 elections. “He held no rallies, gave no speeches, and refused to participate in debates with his challengers.” The extent of Putin's campaign was a biographical interview broadcast on State Television, and a series of interviews with journalists, paid for by Boris Berezovsky, an oligarch who had helped to build the Unity Party in the Yeltsin years. Putin's platform was best reflected by an “Open letter to Russian voters” that ran in national newspapers on February 25, 2000. Because he refused to participate in the debates, Putin's challengers had no venue in which to challenge his program, vague as it may have been. A number of other candidates explained this as a refusal to clarify his position on various controversial issues.

Uncritical state television coverage of Putin's leadership of the conflict in Chechnya helped him to consolidate his popularity as Prime Minister, even as Yeltsin's popularity as president fell. Analysis of television coverage of the 1999 Duma and 2000 presidential elections found that “it was ORT, and state television more generally, that had helped to create a party on short notice” and that “its coverage… was strongly supportive of the party it had created.” Further, TV channel ORT aggressively attacked credible opponents to Unity and Putin. Putin “received over a third of the coverage devoted to the candidates on all television channels, as much as Zyuganov (12%), Yavlinsky (11%) and Zhirinovsky (11%) put together.” He received more than a third of print media coverage, and was given outsize coverage even in opposition newspapers.

Putin announced a new press policy after he won the election. He stated that he believed in “free press” but this should not let the media become “means of mass disinformation and tools of struggle against the state.” He encouraged the state-owned media to control the market and provide the people with “objective information.”


The decision to conduct the presidential elections also in Chechnya was perceived as controversial by many observers due to the military campaign and security concerns.[11] The legislative elections held on 19 December 1999 had been suspended in Chechnya for these reasons.

There were many alleged serious forgeries reported that could have affected Putin's victory in the first round.[12] [13]

Media bias

The PACE observers delegation concluded that "the unequal access to television was one of the main reasons for a degree of unfairness of the campaign" and that "independent media have come under increasing pressure and that media in general, be they State-owned or private, failed to a large extent to provide impartial information about the election campaign and candidates."[14]

The PACE delegation also reported that the media got more and more dominated by politically influential owners. The TV channel ORT launched a slanderous campaign against Yavlinsky's image as his ratings started to rise sharply, and broadcasters generally nearly ignored candidates who did not fulfill interests of their owners. One of the main independent broadcasters, NTV, was subject to increasing financial and administrative pressure during the electoral campaign.[14]

Harassment by the Kremlin was utilized to quiet criticism from domestic independent and opposition media, particularly television broadcasters.[15] State agencies pressured media outlets (especially television outlets) to avoid issuing negative reports on the Chechen War.[15] The two primary state-controlled media outlets gave overwhelmingly positive coverage to Putin's handling of the war. Multiple Western journalists (such as the Boston Globe's David Fillipov) had been either detained or expelled from the country because they strayed from Russian military guidance in Chechnya.[15] Andrei Babitsky (a correspondent for Radio Liberty) was arrested under charges of aiding the Chechens.[15] Under both Yeltsin and Putin, the Kremlin apparatus was applying financial pressure to Media-Most, a media holding group which had been unfriendly in their coverage.[15]

On the other hand, Zyuganov received much fairer media coverage than he had been subject to in the previous presidential election.[16]

Opinion polls

See main article: Opinion polling for the 2000 Russian presidential election.


Polling stations were open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Putin won on the first ballot with 53.4% of the vote. Putin's highest official result was 85.42% in Ingushetia, while his lowest achievement was 29.65% in neighboring Chechnya. Zyuganov's results ranged from 47.41% in the Lipetsk region to 4.63% in Ingushetia. Yavlinsky's results ranged from 18.56% in Moscow to 0.42% in Dagestan. Zhirinovsky's results ranged from 6.13% in the Kamchatka region to 0.29% in Ingushetia.[17]

Results by federal subject

Source: CEC

Federal subjectPutinZyuganovYavlinskyZhirnovskyAgainst All
Agin-Buryat Autonomous Okrug62.80%26.31%1.28%2.80%0.60%
Altai Krai44.77%40.02%3.57%3.99%1.09%
Altai Republic37.89%42.72%2.63%3.01%1.20%
Amur Oblast49.33%33.54%3.10%5.94%1.43%
Arkhangelsk Oblast59.59%20.25%6.36%3.71%2.12%
Astrakhan Oblast60.86%26.77%2.56%2.57%1.10%
Belgorod Oblast47.59%39.70%3.43%2.70%1.55%
Bryansk Oblast42.95%45.99%2.16%3.18%1.19%
Chelyabinsk Oblast49.39%32.05%7.77%2.88%1.87%
Chita Oblast49.14%35.48%2.07%5.87%1.33%
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug67.24%15.33%4.60%3.86%1.84%
Evenki Autonomous Okrug62.01%21.30%3.13%3.67%1.81%
Ivanovo Oblast53.46%29.72%4.81%3.60%1.88%
Irkutsk Oblast50.08%33.05%5.06%3.91%1.70%
Jewish Autonomous Oblast42.87%39.73%5.20%4.11%1.81%
Kaliningrad Oblast60.16%23.50%6.25%3.65%1.51%
Kaluga Oblast50.99%33.77%5.58%2.25%1.88%
Kamchatka Oblast48.72%28.17%6.34%6.13%2.35%
Kemerovo Oblast25.01%14.93%3.06%2.22%0.97%
Khabarovsk Krai49.52%28.07%7.61%5.30%2.72%
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug60.13%22.13%6.91%3.51%1.75%
Kirov Oblast58.30%27.54%3.62%2.69%1.31%
Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug70.12%17.92%1.89%4.02%1.09%
Komi Republic59.92%21.76%6.82%3.22%1.62%
Koryak Autonomous Okrug61.12%20.11%4.19%4.66%1.39%
Kostroma Oblast59.05%25.70%3.86%3.58%1.47%
Krasnodar Krai51.50%37.38%3.42%2.11%1.22%
Krasnoyarsk Krai48.30%32.85%5.52%4.24%2.33%
Kurgan Oblast48.31%36.39%3.21%4.62%1.37%
Kursk Oblast50.17%39.57%2.39%2.33%1.02%
Leningrad Oblast66.53%19.05%5.12%2.65%1.52%
Lipetsk Oblast40.86%47.41%3.09%2.27%1.71%
Magadan Oblast61.97%22.53%3.68%5.33%1.50%
Mari El44.83%40.24%3.47%2.77%1.67%
Moscow Oblast48.01%27.94%10.27%2.23%3.72%
Murmansk Oblast65.89%15.72%7.03%3.77%2.00%
Nenets Autonomous Okrug59.49%20.84%5.05%4.50%2.29%
Nizhny Novgorod Oblast53.59%32.71%4.01%2.51%1.89%
North Ossetia-Alania64.61%28.51%0.98%1.31%0.80%
Novgorod Oblast64.73%21.44%5.27%2.52%1.43%
Novosibirsk Oblast39.91%38.23%7.94%3.35%1.66%
Omsk Oblast38.14%43.64%6.65%3.32%2.06%
Orenburg Oblast45.21%42.50%2.86%2.82%0.82%
Oryol Oblast45.84%44.61%1.90%2.41%1.44%
Penza Oblast49.35%38.17%3.31%2.46%1.35%
Perm Oblast60.78%19.98%7.30%3.47%1.81%
Primorsky Krai40.12%36.36%8.02%5.93%1.92%
Pskov Oblast62.55%25.65%2.70%2.69%1.05%
Rostov Oblast52.59%32.93%5.42%2.41%1.51%
Ryazan Oblast48.64%36.50%4.11%2.49%1.76%
Saint Petersburg62.42%16.95%10.58%1.87%2.48%
Sakha Republic52.46%30.18%4.38%2.98%1.72%
Samara Oblast41.05%29.75%2.81%1.76%1.18%
Saratov Oblast58.29%28.28%3.65%2.18%1.53%
Sakhalin Oblast46.71%30.80%7.48%5.62%2.23%
Sverdlovsk Oblast62.75%17.21%7.64%3.94%1.62%
Smolensk Oblast52.49%34.73%3.30%3.03%1.41%
Stavropol Krai52.11%36.52%3.00%2.06%1.33%
Tambov Oblast48.14%41.30%2.61%2.25%1.19%
Taymyr Autonomous Okrug64.70%14.85%5.90%4.28%1.75%
Tomsk Oblast52.49%25.27%9.01%3.35%1.67%
Tula Oblast48.01%36.56%5.60%2.31%2.17%
Tver Oblast57.65%27.92%4.56%2.59%1.51%
Tyumen Oblast54.20%28.73%4.96%4.60%1.39%
Ulyanovsk Oblast47.60%38.18%2.90%2.46%1.15%
Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug56.80%31.30%1.27%2.54%0.56%
Vladimir Oblast53.14%30.68%5.12%2.83%1.87%
Volgograd Oblast53.50%33.86%3.81%2.32%1.32%
Vologda Oblast66.58%19.11%3.97%2.99%1.23%
Voronezh Oblast56.75%31.78%2.84%2.99%1.41%
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug59.01%20.57%8.68%3.61%1.73%
Yaroslavl Oblast63.78%20.29%4.86%2.91%1.71%

Notes and References

  1. [Dieter Nohlen]
  2. Riasanovsky, N., Steinberg, M. (2011). A History of Russia.
  3. Myers, S. L. (2015). The new Tsar: The rise and reign of Vladimir Putin.
  4. White, S., Oates, S., & McAllister, I. (2005). Media effects and Russian elections, 1999–2000. British Journal of political science, 35(02).
  5. Treisman, D. (2012). The return: Russia's journey from Gorbachev to Medvedev.
  6. Web site: Russian Election Watch No. 2, September 1999 . . September 1999. www.belfercenter.org . Harvard University (John F. Kennedy School of Government). October 29, 2018.
  7. Web site: Russian Election Watch No. 3, October 1999 . . October 1999. www.belfercenter.org . Harvard University (John F. Kennedy School of Government). October 29, 2018.
  8. Web site: Russian Election Watch No. 4, November 1999 . . November 1999. www.belfercenter.org . Harvard University (John F. Kennedy School of Government). October 29, 2018.
  9. Web site: Russian Election Watch No. 5, December 1999 . . December 1999. www.belfercenter.org . Harvard University (John F. Kennedy School of Government). October 29, 2018.
  10. White, S. (2001). The Russian presidential election, March 2000. Electoral Studies, 20(3).
  11. http://www.osce.org/odihr/elections/russia/16275 OSCE final report on the presidential election in the Russian Federation, 26 March 2000
  12. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/election_fraud.html Election Fraud Reports
  13. http://www.lib.ru/HISTORY/FELSHTINSKY/naslednik.txt The Operation "Successor"
  14. http://assembly.coe.int/main.asp?Link=/documents/workingdocs/doc00/edoc8693.htm Ad hoc Committee to observe the Russian presidential election (26 March 2000)
  15. Web site: Russian Election Watch No. 7, February 2000 . . February 2000 . www.belfercenter.org . Harvard University (John F. Kennedy School of Government). October 31, 2018.
  16. Web site: Russian Presidental [sic] Election 2000 . Belin . Laura . 3 March 2000 . 2018-11-05 . https://web.archive.org/web/20040215090722/http://www.rferl.org/specials/russianelection/archives/01-030300.asp . 15 February 2004 . dead . dmy-all .
  17. http://www.electoralgeography.com/en/countries/r/russia/2000-president-elections-russia.html Electoral Geography. Russia, Presidential Elections, 2000