1st Alaska State Legislature explained

The 1st Alaska State Legislature served during 1959 and 1960. All of its members were elected on November 26, 1958, when Alaska was in its last days as a territory.


The Alaska Constitution established that legislative terms begin on the fourth Monday in January following an election year, and that the date may be changed by statute. This legislature passed Senate Bill 70 in the first session, which placed the date into statute but did not actually change it.


Alaska Senate


Democratic Party18
Republican Party2
 Government Majority16


District Name Life Party Location
A 1901–1991Dem Wrangell
1895–1984Dem Klawock
B Walter O. "Bo" Smith 1907–1987Dem Ketchikan
C Howard C. Bradshaw 1908–1994Dem Sitka
D Thomas B. Stewart 1919–2007Dem Juneau
E Ralph E. Moody[1] 1915–1997Dem Anchorage
1909–1997Dem Anchorage
F Balfour J. "Bob" Logan 1906–1974Dem Cordova
G Joseph Earl Cooper[2] 1907–1964Dem Anchorage
H Irwin L. Metcalf 1908–1973Dem Seward
I Alfred A. Owen 1910–1985Dem Uganik Bay
J George B. McNabb, Jr. 1919–1992Dem Fairbanks
Robert J. McNealy 1907–1978Dem Fairbanks
K Jack E. Weise 1915–2000Rep Bethel
L 1925–2019Rep Nenana
M Hubert A. Gilbert[3] 1914–1984Dem Fairbanks
N 1912–1960Dem Unalakleet[4]
1905–1972Dem Nome
O Eben Hopson 1922–1980Dem Barrow
P John A. McNees 1917–1995Dem Nome


Alaska House of Representatives


Democratic Party34
Republican Party5
 Government Majority28


District Name Life Party Location
1 1921–2002Dem Craig
2 Oral E. Freeman 1915–2001Dem Ketchikan
James R. "J. Ray" Roady 1907–1997Dem Ketchikan
3 John E. Longworth 1910–1985Rep Petersburg
4 Frank E. Cashel 1918–1991Dem Sitka
Andrew Hope 1896–1968Dem Sitka
5 Douglas Gray 1908–1980Dem Douglas
1907–2001Dem Juneau
6 Morgan W. Reed 1904–Dem Skagway
7 Harold Z. Hansen 1910–1993Ind-DCordova
8 1919–2012Rep Valdez
9 1915–2002Dem Palmer
10 1912–1986Dem Anchorage
James E. Fisher 1927–2020Dem Anchorage
John S. Hellenthal 1915–1989Dem Anchorage
Earl D. Hillstrand 1913–1974Dem Anchorage
Peter J. Kalamarides 1916–1979Dem Anchorage
1915–1995Dem Anchorage
James E. Norene 1905–1996Dem Anchorage
John L. Rader[5] 1927–Dem Anchorage
11 William M. Erwin 1933–2022Dem Seward
12 Allan L. Petersen 1890–1969Dem Kenai[6]
13 Peter M. Deveau 1917–2002Dem Kodiak
Henry L. Haag 1895–1969Dem Kodiak
14 Charles J. Franz 1910–1996Dem Port Moller
15 1922–2005Ind Naknek
16 James Hoffman 1925–1982Rep Bethel
17 Donald Harris 1928–2011Rep McGrath
18 Grant H. Pearson 1900–1978Dem McKinley Park
19 Frank X. Chapados 1914–2007Dem Fairbanks
Joseph R. "Bob" Giersdorf[7] 1935–2003Dem Fairbanks
1928–2013Dem Fairbanks
1883–1983Dem Fairbanks
1891–1980Dem Fairbanks
20 R.S. McCombe 1902–1985Dem Chicken
21 1927–1981Dem Point Barrow
22 1915–1999Rep Kotzebue
23 Robert R. Blodgett 1920–1990Dem Nome
Charles E. Fagerstrom 1905–1962Dem Nome
24 Axel C. Johnson 1911–1985Dem Kwiguk


See also

External links

Photos of individual and assembled members of the 1st Alaska State Legislature, as hosted at Alaska's Digital Archives

Notes and References

  1. Resigned in 1960, following the end of sessions, to accept appointment as attorney general
  2. Appointed to the Alaska Superior Court between sessions. Seaborn J. Buckalew, Jr. (D) was appointed to his seat for the second session.
  3. Appointed to the Alaska Superior Court between sessions. Rep. Bob Giersdorf (D) was appointed to his seat January 29, 1960. Giersdorf, who was born on February 24, 1935, was short of the constitutionally-established minimum age, and resigned the seat. Edmund N. Orbeck (D), who was appointed to Giersdorf's House seat, replaced him.
  4. Died on November 21, 1960, after the end of sessions but before the expiration of his term.
  5. Appointed state attorney general between sessions. Blanche L. McSmith (D) was appointed to his seat for the second session.
  6. Petersen, Jettie. Once Upon The Kenai, page 269-70 Kenai Historical Society, Alaska, 1984
  7. Appointed January 29, 1960, to replace outgoing Sen. Hubert Gilbert for the second session, but re-assumed his old seat February 2, 1960. Edmund N. Orbeck (D) filled his House seat in the interim.