100,000,000 Explained

Cardinal:One hundred million
Factorization:28 × 58

100,000,000 (one hundred million) is the natural number following 99,999,999 and preceding 100,000,001.

In scientific notation, it is written as 108.

East Asian languages treat 100,000,000 as a counting unit, significant as the square of a myriad, also a counting unit. In Chinese, Korean, and Japanese respectively it is yi (or in ancient texts), eok (Korean: 억/億) and oku . These languages do not have single words for a thousand to the second, third, fifth powers, etc.

100,000,000 is also the fourth power of 100 and also the square of 10000.

Selected 9-digit numbers (100,000,001–999,999,999)

100,000,001 to 199,999,999


such that


, where


= sum of divisors of m

200,000,000 to 299,999,999

300,000,000 to 399,999,999

400,000,000 to 499,999,999

500,000,000 to 599,999,999

600,000,000 to 699,999,999

700,000,000 to 799,999,999

800,000,000 to 899,999,999

900,000,000 to 999,999,999

Notes and References

  1. Leyland numbers: 3, together with numbers expressible as n^k + k^n nontrivially, i.e., n,k > 1 (to avoid n = (n-1)^1 + 1^(n-1)).