1D-LSD (1-(1,2-dimethylcyclobutane-1-carbonyl)-lysergic acid diethylamide, SYN-L-229) is a psychotropic substance and a research chemical that has potential psychedelic effects. It is believed to be a prodrug for LSD and has replaced 1V-LSD in Germany after 1V-LSD became covered by the German NpSG law in 2022. It is also available as tartrate and liquid.
Since the 14.06.2024 1D-LSD (and 1T-LSD) are covered by the German NpSG law.
According to the current legal situation, 1D-LSD is neither explicitly mentioned in the Narcotic Drugs Ordinance nor in the Psychotropic Substances Ordinance (SV/PV), thus it is neither to be classified as a narcotic drug in the sense of the SV nor as a psychotropic substance in the sense of the PV.