During the Parade of Nations portion of the 1992 Summer Olympics opening ceremony, athletes from each country participating in the Olympics paraded in the arena, preceded by their flag. The flag was borne by a sportsperson from that country chosen either by the National Olympic Committee or by the athletes themselves to represent their country.
As the nation of the first modern Olympic Games, Greece entered the stadium first; whereas, the host nation Spain marched last. Other countries entered in alphabetical order in the French language, instead of both Catalan and Spanish (despite that these languages had been displayed on the name boards and used to announce the country names), due to the political sensitivity surrounding the use of Catalan. Athletes from Independent Olympic Participants did not attend the parade of nations, but still competed at the Games.[1] The Unified Team, composed of former Soviet states, marched with Olympic flag, then followed by twelve flag bearers carrying their respective nations.[2] [3]
Whilst most countries entered under their short names, a few entered under more formal or alternative names, mostly due to political and naming disputes. The Republic of China (commonly known as Taiwan) entered with the compromised name and flag of "Chinese Taipei" under T so that they did not enter together with the conflicting China, which entered with their official name of the "People's Republic of China" (République populaire de Chine) under C. Similarly, South Korea entered as "Republic of Korea" (République de Corée) under C while North Korea entered as "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" (République populaire démocratique de Corée).
The following is a list of each country's announced flag bearer. The list is sorted by the order in which each nation appears in the parade of nations. The names are given in their official designations by the IOC.
width=30 | Order | width=240 | Nation | width=200 | Spanish Name | width=200 | Catalan Name | width=200 | French Order | width=200 | Flag bearer | width=150 | Sport |
1 | Grecia | Grècia | Grèce | Athletics | |||||||||
2 | Afganistán | Afganistan | Afghanistan | ||||||||||
3 | Sudáfrica | Sud-àfrica | Afrique du Sud | Athletics | |||||||||
4 | Albania | Albània | Albanie | Shooting | |||||||||
5 | Argelia | Algèria | Algérie | Volleyball | |||||||||
6 | Alemania | Alemanya | Allemagne | Rowing | |||||||||
7 | Andorra | Andorra | Andorre | Athletics | |||||||||
8 | Angola | Angola | Angola | ||||||||||
9 | Antigua | Antigua | Antigua | ||||||||||
10 | Antillas Neerlandesas | Antilles Neerlandeses | Antilles néerlandaises | Shooting | |||||||||
11 | Arabia Saudita | Aràbia Saudita | Arabie saoudite | Cycling | |||||||||
12 | Argentina | Argentina | Argentine | Field hockey | |||||||||
13 | Aruba | Aruba | Aruba | Cycling | |||||||||
14 | Australia | Austràlia | Australie | Diving | |||||||||
15 | Austria | Àustria | Autriche | Equestrian | |||||||||
16 | Bahamas | Bahames | Bahamas | Athletics | |||||||||
17 | Bahréin | Bahrain | Bahreïn | Khalid Rabeeah | Chef de mission | ||||||||
18 | Bangladés | Bangladesh | Bangladesh | Swimming | |||||||||
19 | Barbados | Barbados | Barbade | ||||||||||
20 | Bélgica | Bèlgica | Belgique | Shooting | |||||||||
21 | Belice | Belize | Belize | ||||||||||
22 | Benín | Benín | Bénin | Athletics | |||||||||
23 | Bermudas | Bermudes | Bermudes | Athletics | |||||||||
24 | Bután | Bhutan | Bhoutan | Archery | |||||||||
25 | Bolivia | Bolívia | Bolivie | ||||||||||
26 | Bosnia y Herzegovina | Bòsnia i Hercegovina | Bosnie-Herzegovine | Athletics | |||||||||
27 | Botsuana | Botswana | Botswana | ||||||||||
28 | Brasil | Brasil | Brésil | Judo | |||||||||
29 | Brunéi | Brunei | Brunei | ||||||||||
30 | Bulgaria | Bulgària | Bulgarie | Wrestling | |||||||||
31 | Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso | Athletics | |||||||||
32 | Islas Caimán | Illes Caiman | Îles Caïmans | Sailing | |||||||||
33 | Camerún | Kamerun | Cameroun | ||||||||||
34 | Canadá | Canada | Canada | Athletics | |||||||||
35 | Central Africa | Àfrica Central | Centrafrique | Athletics | |||||||||
36 | Chile | Xile | Chili | Athletics | |||||||||
37 | República Popular de China | República Popular de la Xina | République populaire de Chine | Basketball | |||||||||
38 | Chipre | Xipre | Chypre | Athletics | |||||||||
39 | Colombia | Colòmbia | Colombie | Shooting | |||||||||
40 | República del Congo | República del Congo | République du Congo | ||||||||||
41 | Islas Cook | Illes Cook | Îles Cook | Weightlifting | |||||||||
42 | Corea | Corea | Corée | ||||||||||
43 | Costa Rica | Costa Rica | Costa Rica | Shooting | |||||||||
44 | Costa de Marfil | Costa d'Ivori | Côte d'Ivoire | ||||||||||
45 | Croacia | Croàcia | Croatie | Tennis | |||||||||
46 | Cuba | Cuba | Cuba | Wrestling | |||||||||
47 | Dinamarca | Dinamarca | Danemark | Sailing | |||||||||
48 | Yibuti | Djibouti | Djibouti | ||||||||||
49 | República Dominicana | República Dominicana | République dominicaine | Judo | |||||||||
50 | Republica Arabe de Egipto | República Arabe d'Egipte | République arabe d'Égypte | Shooting | |||||||||
51 | Unión de Emiratos Arabes | Unió dels Emirats Àrabs | Union des Émirats arabes | ||||||||||
52 | Ecuador | Equador | Équateur | Judo | |||||||||
53 | Equipo Unificado | Equip Unificat | Équipe unifiée | Wrestling | |||||||||
54 | Estonia | Estònia | Estonie | Athletics (non-competitor) | |||||||||
55 | Estados Unidos de América | Estats Units d'Amèrica | États-Unis d'Amérique | Athletics | |||||||||
56 | Etiopía | Etiòpia | Éthiopie | Athletics | |||||||||
57 | Fiyi | Fiji | Fidji | Swimming | |||||||||
58 | Finlandia | Finlàndia | Finlande | Wrestling | |||||||||
59 | Francia | França | France | Fencing | |||||||||
60 | Gabón | Gabon | Gabon | ||||||||||
61 | Gambia | Gàmbia | Gambie | Athletics | |||||||||
62 | Ghana | Ghana | Ghana | Athletics | |||||||||
63 | Gran Bretaña | Gran Bretanya | Grande-Bretagne | Rowing | |||||||||
64 | Granada | Grenada | Grenade | Athletics | |||||||||
65 | Guam | Guam | Guam | Swimming | |||||||||
66 | Guatemala | Guatemala | Guatemala | Shooting | |||||||||
67 | Guinea | Guinea | Guinée | Athletics | |||||||||
68 | Guinea Ecuatorial | Guinea Equatorial | Guinée équatoriale | Athletics | |||||||||
69 | Guyana | Guyana | Guyana | Cycling | |||||||||
70 | Haití | Haití | Haïti | Judo | |||||||||
71 | Honduras | Hondures | Honduras | Swimming | |||||||||
72 | Hong Kong | Hong Kong | Hong Kong | ||||||||||
73 | Hungría | Hongria | Hongrie | Wrestling | |||||||||
74 | India | Índia | Inde | Athletics | |||||||||
75 | Indonesia | Indonèsia | Indonésie | Badminton | |||||||||
76 | Irak | Iraq | Irak | Weightlifting | |||||||||
77 | República Islámica de Irán | República Islàmica d'Iran | République islamique d'Iran | Wrestling | |||||||||
78 | Irlanda | Irlanda | Irlande | Swimming | |||||||||
79 | Islandia | Islàndia | Islande | Judo | |||||||||
80 | Israel | Israel | Israël | Sailing | |||||||||
81 | Italia | Itàlia | Italie | Rowing | |||||||||
82 | Jamaica | Jamaica | Jamaïque | Athletics | |||||||||
83 | Japón | Japó | Japon | Volleyball | |||||||||
84 | Jordania | Jordània | Jordanie | Athletics | |||||||||
85 | Kenia | Kenya | Kenya | Athletics | |||||||||
86 | Kuwait | Kuwait | Koweït | ||||||||||
87 | Laos | Laos | Laos | Boxing | |||||||||
88 | Lesoto | Lesotho | Lesotho | ||||||||||
89 | Letonia | Letònia | Lettonie | Weightlifting | |||||||||
90 | Libano | Líban | Liban | ||||||||||
91 | Liberia | Libèria | Liberia | ||||||||||
92 | Jamahiriya Árabe de Libia | Jamahiriya Àrab de Líbia | Jamahiriya arabe libyenne | ||||||||||
93 | Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein | Athletics | |||||||||
94 | Lituania | Lituània | Lituanie | Swimming | |||||||||
95 | Luxemburgo | Luxemburg | Luxembourg | Swimming | |||||||||
96 | Madagascar | Madagascar | Madagascar | Boxing | |||||||||
97 | Malaisia | Malàisia | Malaisie | Badminton | |||||||||
98 | Malawi | Malawi | Malawi | ||||||||||
99 | Maldivas | Maldives | Maldives | ||||||||||
100 | Malí | Mali | Mali | ||||||||||
101 | Malta | Malta | Malte | Judo | |||||||||
102 | Marruecos | Marroc | Maroc | Athletics (non-competitor) | |||||||||
103 | Isla Mauricio | Ila Maurici | Île Maurice | ||||||||||
104 | Mauritania | Mauritània | Mauritanie | ||||||||||
105 | México | Mèxic | Mexique | Diving | |||||||||
106 | Monaco | Mònaco | Monaco | Swimming | |||||||||
107 | Mongolia | Mongòlia | Mongolie | Wrestling | |||||||||
108 | Mozambique | Moçambic | Mozambique | ||||||||||
109 | Unión de Myanmar | Unió de Myanmar | Union du Myanmar | ||||||||||
110 | Namibia | Namíbia | Namibie | Athletics | |||||||||
111 | Nepal | Nepal | Népal | ||||||||||
112 | Nicaragua | Nicaragua | Nicaragua | Wrestling | |||||||||
113 | Níger | Níger | Niger | Athletics | |||||||||
114 | Nigeria | Nigèria | Nigeria | Athletics | |||||||||
115 | Noruega | Noruega | Norvège | Sailing | |||||||||
116 | Nueva Zelanda | Nova Zelanda | Nouvelle-Zélande | Equestrian | |||||||||
117 | Omán | Oman | Oman | ||||||||||
118 | Uganda | Uganda | Ouganda | Boxing | |||||||||
119 | Pakistan | Pakistan | Pakistan | Field hockey | |||||||||
120 | Panamá | Panamà | Panama | ||||||||||
121 | Papúa Nueva Guinea | Papua Nova Guinea | Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée | ||||||||||
122 | Paraguay | Paraguai | Paraguay | Athletics | |||||||||
123 | Países Bajos | Països Baixos | Pays-Bas | Field hockey | |||||||||
124 | Peru | Peru | Pérou | Shooting | |||||||||
125 | Filipinas | Filipines | Philippines | Boxing | |||||||||
126 | Polonia | Polònia | Pologne | Judo | |||||||||
127 | Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico | Porto Rico | Judo | |||||||||
128 | Portugal | Portugal | Portugal | Judo | |||||||||
129 | Catar | Qatar | Qatar | ||||||||||
130 | República Democrática Popular de Corea | República Democràtica Popular de Corea | République populaire démocratique de Corée | Boxing | |||||||||
131 | Rumania | Romania | Roumanie | Athletics | |||||||||
132 | Ruanda | Rwanda | Rwanda | Athletics | |||||||||
133 | San Marino | Sant Marí | Saint-Marin | Swimming | |||||||||
134 | San Vicente y Granadinas | Sant Vicent i Grenadines | Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines | Athletics | |||||||||
135 | Islas Salomón | Illes Salomó | Îles Salomon | Weightlifting | |||||||||
136 | El Salvador | El Salvador | Salvador | Swimming | |||||||||
137 | Samoa Americanas | Samoa nord-americana | Samoa américaines | Boxing | |||||||||
138 | Samoa Occidentales | Samoa Occidentals | Samoa occidentales | Boxing | |||||||||
139 | Senegal | Senegal | Sénégal | ||||||||||
140 | Seychelles | Seychelles | Seychelles | Roland Raforme[4] | Boxing | ||||||||
141 | Sierra Leona | Serra Leone | Sierra Leone | Athletics | |||||||||
142 | Singapur | Singapur | Singapour | ||||||||||
143 | Eslovenia | Eslovènia | Slovénie | Shooting | |||||||||
144 | Somalia | Somàlia | Somalie | ||||||||||
145 | Sudan | Sudan | Soudan | ||||||||||
146 | Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka | ||||||||||
147 | Suecia | Suècia | Suède | Tennis | |||||||||
148 | Suiza | Suïssa | Suisse | Gymnastics | |||||||||
149 | Surinam | Surinam | Suriname | Athletics | |||||||||
150 | Suazilandia | Swazilàndia | Swaziland | ||||||||||
151 | Siria | Síria | Syrie | ||||||||||
152 | Chinese Taipei | Chinese Taipei | Chinese Taipei | Baseball | |||||||||
153 | Tanzania | Tanzània | Tanzanie | ||||||||||
154 | Chad | Txad | Tchad | ||||||||||
155 | República Federal Checa y Eslovaca | República Federal de Txecoslovàquia | République fédérale tchèque et slovaque | Wrestling | |||||||||
156 | Tailandia | Tailàndia | Thaïlande | ||||||||||
157 | Togo | Togo | Togo | ||||||||||
158 | Tonga | Tonga | Tonga | ||||||||||
159 | Trinidad y Tobago | Trinitat i Tobago | Trinité-et-Tobago | Athletics | |||||||||
160 | Tunisia | Tunísia | Tunisie | Athletics | |||||||||
161 | Turquia | Turquia | Turquie | Archery | |||||||||
162 | Uruguay | Uruguai | Uruguay | Sailing | |||||||||
163 | Vanuatu | Vanuatu | Vanuatu | Athletics | |||||||||
164 | Venezuela | Veneçuela | Venezuela | Synchronized swimming | |||||||||
165 | Islas Virgenes | Illes Verges | Îles Vierges | Athletics | |||||||||
166 | Islas Virgenes Britanicas | Illes Verges Britàniques | Îles Vierges britanniques | Athletics | |||||||||
167 | Vietnam | Vietnam | Vietnam | ||||||||||
168 | Yemen | Iemen | Yémen | ||||||||||
169 | Zaire | Zaire | Zaïre | Athletics | |||||||||
170 | Zambia | Zàmbia | Zambie | Athletics | |||||||||
171 | Zimbabue | Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe | ||||||||||
172 | España | Espanya | Espagne | Sailing |