1983 Chagos Archipelago earthquake explained

1983 Chagos Archipelago earthquake
Timestamp:1983-11-30 17:46:00
Depth:10km (10miles)

The 1983 Chagos Archipelago earthquake occurred on November 30 at 17:46 UTC (23:46 local time) in the region of the Chagos Archipelago, British Indian Ocean Territory. This earthquake had a moment magnitude and surface wave magnitude of 7.7. This earthquake occurred in the Indian Plate near the Central Indian Ridge. The Central Indian Ridge is unusually active in near-ridge earthquakes. The intense seismic activity in this region may indicate an early stage of converging plate boundary, which is responsible for the N-S extension near Chagos. There was a 40 cm tsunami reported in Victoria, Seychelles.[1] [2]

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Archived copy . 2010-10-16 . dead . https://web.archive.org/web/20110614090231/http://www.gps.caltech.edu/uploads/File/People/kanamori/HKjgr88b.pdf . 2011-06-14 .
  2. Web site: Significant Earthquakes of the World. dead. https://web.archive.org/web/20091204220625/http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eqarchives/significant/sig_1983.php. 2009-12-04.