1967 Nobel Peace Prize Explained

1967 Nobel Peace Prize
Presenter:Norwegian Nobel Committee
Location:Oslo, Norway
Main:Nobel Peace Prize

The 1967 Nobel Peace Prize was not awarded because the Norwegian Nobel Committee decided that none of the nominations met the criteria in Nobel's will. Instead, the prize money was allocated with 1/3 to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.[1]



In total, the Norwegian Nobel Committee received 95 nominations for 37 individuals and 10 organizations such as Vinoba Bhave, Grenville Clark, Norman Cousins, Danilo Dolci, Pope Paul VI, Bertrand Russell (awarded the 1950 Nobel Prize in Literature), U Thant, the International Union for Land Value Taxation and Free Trade and the Universal Esperanto Association (UEA). The highest number of nominations – 11 recommendation letters – was for the Austrian–Japanese politician Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.

Twenty five of these nominees were nominated for the first time such as Abbé Pierre, Ernest Gruening, Kurt Hahn, Thích Nhất Hạnh, İsmet İnönü, Danny Kaye, Sargent Shriver, Geoffrey Leonard Cheshire, Binay Ranjan Sen, Amnesty International (awarded in 1977), the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) and the Islands of Peace. The British philanthropist Sue Ryder was the only female nominee. Notable figures such as Félicien Challaye, Che Guevara, Woody Guthrie, Florence Jaffray Harriman, Harold Holt, Kathleen Innes, Annette Kolb, Mohammad Mosaddegh, Abraham Johannes Muste and Georges Vanier died in 1967 without having been nominated for the peace prize while the American philosopher William Ernest Hocking was nominated posthumously.[2]

Official list of nominees and their nominators for the prize
No. Nominee Country/
Motivations Nominator(s)
1Abbé Pierre, O.F.M.Cap
FranceNo motivation included.Bodil Koch
Poul Hartling
Julius Bomholt
2Vinoba Bhave
IndiaNo motivation included. Dominique Pire, O.P.
3Charles Braibant
FranceNo motivation included.Gabriel Le Bras
4Frederick Burdick (?)
(prob. Eugene Burdick (1918–1965))
United StatesNo motivation included.Paul Douglas
Watkins Abbitt
Kenneth J. Gray
5Sanjib Chaudhuri (?) IndiaNo motivation included.Thakur Bateshwar Singh (?)
6Leonard Cheshire
United KingdomNo motivation included.Bob Cotton
7Grenville Clark
United StatesNo motivation included.Henry Hicks
Brunson MacChesney
Arthur Larson
Norman MacKenzie
Joseph S. Clark Jr.
Robert Kastenmeier
Louis Susky (?)
Arturo Orzábal de la Quintana
Harold J. Berman
8Walter Corti
SwitzerlandNo motivation included.Max Goldener (?)
9Norman Cousins
United StatesNo motivation included.Norman St John-Stevas
Mervyn Stockwood
10Danilo Dolci
ItalyNo motivation included.John Kay
(b. 1942)
members of the Swedish Parliament
11Harry Elias Edmonds
United StatesNo motivation included.Oliver Kitson
12J. William Fulbright
United StatesNo motivation included.Giannēs Koutsocheras
13Ernest Gruening
United StatesNo motivation included.Denna Frank Fleming
14Kurt Hahn
GermanyNo motivation included.Helmut Haussmann
(b. 1943)
Hugh Trevor-Roper
15Thích Nhất Hạnh
"for his lifelong efforts to promote peace, social justice and reconciliation in between North and South Vietnam."George McTurnan Kahin
Martin Luther King Jr. (1929–1968)
Walter Nash
Jim Cairns
John G. Dow
Lawrence Fuchs
Horace L. Friess
16William Ernest Hocking
United StatesNo motivation included.Bob Wilson
17William P. Holman
United StatesNo motivation included.Odin Langen
18Robert Maynard Hutchins
United StatesNo motivation included.J. William Fulbright
19İsmet İnönü
TurkeyNo motivation included.members of Turkish Parliament
20Marc Joux (?) FranceNo motivation included.Auguste Billiemaz
21Danny Kaye
United States"for his role as the first UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador."John H. Lavely
(b. 1943)
22Wayne Morse
United StatesNo motivation included.Denna Frank Fleming
23Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
No motivation included.members of the British Parliament
24Pope Paul VI
No motivation included.José María Gil-Robles y Quiñones
25Charles Rhyne
United StatesNo motivation included.Frank Moss
26Das Moni Roy (1895–?) IndiaNo motivation included.Subimal Kunnar Mukherjee (?)
27 Bertrand Russell
United KingdomNo motivation included.Ivan Petrovsky
28Sue Ryder
United KingdomNo motivation included.Rab Butler
Bob Cotton
29Binay Ranjan Sen
IndiaNo motivation included.Rakel Seweriin
30Sargent Shriver
United StatesNo motivation included.Richard Ottinger
(b. 1929)
31Isidor Feinstein Stone
United StatesNo motivation included. Linus Pauling
32Clarence Streit
United StatesNo motivation included.Geoffrey de Freitas
33U Thant
No motivation included.American Friends Service Committee
Friends Service Council
professors at the Leiden University
5 members of the Norwegian Parliament
34Östen Undén
SwedenNo motivation included.members of the Swedish Parliament
35Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi
No motivation included.Gaston Eyskens
Victor Larock
John Biggs-Davison
Arthur Gibson (?)
Rudolf Suter
François Perin
Hans-Joachim von Merkatz
Erich Mende
Friedrich Heer
Franz Josef Strauss
Leopoldo Rubinacci
36Quincy Wright
United StatesNo motivation included.J. David Singer
37Shigeru Yoshida
JapanNo motivation included.3 members of the Permanent Court of Arbitration
Shigeru Kuriyama
38Amnesty International
(founded in 1961)
LondonNo motivation included.4 members of the Norwegian Parliament
9 professors at the University of Oslo
39Islands of Peace
(founded in 1958)
HuyNo motivation included.Willy De Clercq
Raymond Vander Elst
40Lions Clubs International
(founded in 1917)
Oak BrookNo motivation included.Howard Cannon
Kaare Meland
Karl Boo
41International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)
(founded in 1952)
LondonNo motivation included.6 members of the Swedish Parliament
42International Union for Land Value Taxation and Free Trade (The IU)
(founded in 1926)
LondonNo motivation included.Johan Møller Warmedal
43Organization of American States (OAS)
(founded in 1948)
Washington, D.C.No motivation included.Carlos Dunshee de Abranches
B. J. Tennery (?)
44United Poets Laureate International (UPLI)
(founded in 1963)
Manila"for promoting world brotherhood and peace through poetry"Angel Macapagal
45Universal Esperanto Association (UEA)
(founded in 1908)
RotterdamNo motivation included.Werner Kubitza
Karl Geldner
members of the Swedish Parliament
Émile Durieux
Louis Philibert
Franz Stein
5 members of the Norwegian Parliament
Kjell Bondevik
46Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
(founded in 1915)
GenevaNo motivation included.Marie Lous Mohr
47World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA)
(founded in 1946)
New York CityNo motivation included.Paul Guggenheim

Norwegian Nobel Committee

The following members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee appointed by the Storting were responsible for the selection of the 1969 Nobel laureate in accordance with the will of Alfred Nobel:[3]

1969 Norwegian Nobel Committee
PictureNamePositionPolitical PartyOther posts
Nils Langhelle
(until August)
Labourformer Minister of Defence (1952–1954)
President of the Storting (1958–1965)
Bernt Ingvaldsen
(from August)
ConservativePresident of the Storting (1965–1972)
Aase Lionæs
MemberLabourVice President of the Lagting (1965–1973)
Helge Refsum
MemberCentreformer Judge at the Gulating Court (1922–1949)
Helge Rognlien
MemberLiberalformer Leader of the Young Liberals of Norway (1946–1948)
Erling Wikborg
MemberChristian Peopleformer Leader of the Christian Democratic Party (1951–1955)

Notes and References

  1. https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/peace/1967/summary/ The Nobel Peace Prize 1967
  2. https://www.nobelprize.org/nomination/archive/list.php?prize=5&year=1967 Nomination archive – Peace 1967
  3. https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/themes/the-norwegian-nobel-committee-1901-2017/ The Norwegian Nobel Committee 1901-2017