1928 Indianapolis 500 Explained

Race Name:16th Indianapolis 500
Race Logo:1928 Indianapolis 500 program cover.jpg
Date:May 30, 1928
Winner:Louis Meyer
Team:Alden Sampson II
Pole:Leon Duray
Pole Speed:122.391mi/h
Leader:Leon Duray (59)
Pace Car:Marmon 8 (Model 78)
Pace Driver:Joe Dawson
Starter:Chester Maitland[1]
Honorary:Larry D. Fisher

The 16th International 500-Mile Sweepstakes Race was held at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on Wednesday, May 30, 1928. This was the first Indianapolis 500 presided over by new Speedway president Eddie Rickenbacker. Rain threatened to wash out the day, but the showers stopped and the race started on time. One brief shower slowed the race around the 400-mile mark, bringing out the yellow flag for a few laps.

It was the third year contested with the supercharged 91 cu. in. (1.5 L) displacement engine formula. A total of seven supercharged front-wheel drive cars were entered, and they swept the front row during time trials. Leon Duray in a Miller took the pole position with an average speed of 122.391mi/h, a new track record. Duray dominated much of the first half of the race, setting a blistering pace. He dropped out in the second half, however, due to an overheating engine.

With twenty laps to go, Tony Gulotta led Jimmy Gleason and Louis Meyer. All three cars were running nose-to-tail. On lap 181, Gulotta slowed with a leaking fuel tank and a clogged fuel line. Gleason and Meyer then battled for the lead. On lap 196 Gleason headed for the pits to take on water for the radiator. A crew member missed the radiator and accidentally doused the car's magneto with water. The engine was ruined with a cracked water jacket in sight of victory.

Rookie driver Louis Meyer (though he had appeared as a relief driver in 1927) took the first of what would be three career Indy victories. Meyer did not even land his ride until one week before the race. Car owner Phil Shafer entered a rear-wheel drive Miller Special for Wilbur Shaw with initial backing from a fuel pump manufacturer. The deal fell through, and Shafer abruptly sold the car to Alden Sampson II four days before time trials were scheduled to begin. Sampson hired Louis Meyer to drive the car, the same machine that Tony Gulotta drove to a third place in 1927. Meyer put the car safely in the field in 13th starting position. He drove a steady, consistent pace, and led only once, the final 19 laps of the race. Despite predictions of record speed, and an early blistering pace, Meyer's average speed of 99.482 mph for the 500 miles fell short of the record set in 1926.

Race schedule

The race was scheduled for Wednesday May 30. Competitors began arriving at the grounds in mid-April, and the track was to be made available for practice and testing no later than May 1. Elimination trials were scheduled for three days (May 26–28), but qualifying extended to an additional day (and for a brief period on race morning) due to a short field. The annual awards banquet was scheduled for Thursday evening (May 31) at the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce.[3]

Race schedule – May 1928
Time Trials
Time Trials
Time Trials
Time Trials
Indy 500
GreenTrack available for practice
Dark blueTime trials
SilverRace day
BlankNo track activity

Preparations and Practice



Time trials

Qualifications was scheduled for three days, May 26–28. The minimum speed to qualify was set at 90 mph. A total of 36 entries were expected to make attempts to fill the 33 starting positions. Qualified cars on the first day of trials would line up in the grid first, followed by the second day qualifiers, and so on.

Riding mechanics were optional,[33] however, no teams entered utilized them.

Saturday May 26

The first day of elimination trials was held Saturday May 26. Qualifying was scheduled from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Any cars in line at 5 o'clock were permitted to make their runs, continuing until the track closed at sundown. The morning dawned dark, with the threat of rain looming, but fair skies prevailed. The existing track records going into the month were both held by Frank Lockhart. The one-lap track record (120.918 mph) and four-lap track record (120.100 mph) were both set during time trials in 1927.

The supercharged front-wheel drive Millers were expected to excel in qualifying, with Leon Duray the favorite for the pole position. Duray had set an unofficial track record on May 17, and was among the fastest cars all month long.

The first driver to challenge the track record was Cliff Woodbury in one of the Boyle Valve Specials owned by Mike Boyle. On his third lap, Woodbury's set a one-lap track record (121.081 mph). His four-lap average of 120.418 mph was also a record. It was noted that this was Woodbury's first attempt in a front-wheel drive car at the Speedway, and it garnered him a solid front row starting position. Woodbury's spot on the pole was short-lived, however. Leon Duray in the Miller Special took to the track a short time after Woodbury. Duray smashed the one-lap track record on his second lap with a speed of 123.203 mph. His four-lap average of 122.391 mph was also a new track record, and he secured the pole position.

The most serious incident of the afternoon involved 1925 winner Peter DePaolo. During his qualifying attempt, going into turn three on the first lap, the car went out of control, and flipped over at least three times. DePaolo was thrown from the vehicle, then the car slid upside down along the bricks, ripping off the engine cowling, shearing off the carburetor, and grinding the top of the supercharger casing. The car suffered a bent rear axle, a dented nose, and other minor damage. It was determined that the crash was caused by the steering mechanism locking up. DePaolo suffered gouges to his arms, bruised legs, and cuts on his chin. Though DePaolo escaped serious injuries, he was sidelined for the remainder of the month. After the crash, the team led by chief mechanic Collon Henning Peters began repairing the car, in hopes of still qualifying with another driver.

At the end of the day, the front wheel drive machines swept the front row, and five of the top eight starting positions. A total of 19 cars had qualified, leaving 14 positions open.

Name Lap 1
Lap 2
Lap 3
Lap 4
Average Speed
14 Leon Duray122.917123.203121.819121.638122.391 New 1-lap and 4-lap track record
210 Cliff Woodbury120.240120.417121.081119.936120.418
321 Cliff Bergere119.760120.498119.744119.824119.956
48 Tony Gulotta117.218117.080117.447116.324117.031
57 Babe Stapp117.371117.894116.913115.399116.887
616 Ralph Hepburn116.474116.264116.655116.054116.354
724 Louis Schneider114.767114.068113.866113.450114.036
828 Lou Moore 113.350113.722114.126114.111113.826
925 Fred Comer114.942114.198112.810112.839113.690
1015 Ray Keech 112.486114.198112.796114.227113.421
1133 Johnny Seymour 111.982111.565111.829111.317111.671
123 George Souders 110.987111.815111.996110.987111.444
1314 Louis Meyer 109.369112.010111.857112.219111.352
1435 Buddy Marr 109.422111.083109.609108.656109.685 Withdrawn May 29
1527 Fred Frame107.296106.875107.462108.381107.501
1622 Norman Batten106.408107.694106.572106.939106.585
1738 Sam Ross 108.212107.913105.609104.638106.572
1823 Deacon Litz 106.559106.395105.349106.559106.213
195 Cliff Durant100.122100.200101.04597.53999.990
1 Peter DePaoloIncomplete Wrecked in turn 3
34 Russ SnowbergerIncomplete Failed hose connection

Sunday May 27

The second day of elimination trials was held on Sunday May 27. Five cars completed runs in front of a crowd estimated at 12,000–15,000 spectators. Pete Kreis was the fastest driver of the day. The field filled to 24 cars, leaving nine spots open.

Back in the garage area, the wrecked car of Peter DePaolo was being repaired. Bob McDonogh and Wilbur Shaw were being rumored as possible replacement drivers to the seat.

During the day, a tire changing contest was held between several of the pit crews. Dick Doyle and Bud Miller, servicing the car of George Souders, won the $50 top prize.

Name Lap 1
Lap 2
Lap 3
Lap 4
Average speed
2032 Pete Kreis113.165112.191112.814113.464112.906
2143 Billy Arnold 111.968110.974111.718113.065111.926
2239 Jimmy Gleason 112.725111.331110.993111.857111.708
2334 Russ Snowberger 112.556112.250111.043110.186111.618
2412 Dave Evans109.289108.434107.360107.991108.264

Monday May 28

The third day of elimination trials was scheduled for Monday May 28. Although Monday was originally the final day allowed to qualify, officials announced that Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning may opened up due to prospects of a short field.

Clarence Belt made history, becoming the first driver ever to qualify a V-type engine at Indianapolis.

Name Lap 1
Lap 2
Lap 3
Lap 4
Average Speed
256 Earl Devore109.078109.998110.619109.556109.810
2618 Dutch Baumann106.132105.423106.724106.635106.226 Withdrew May 30
2717 L. L. Corum97.60396.68196.89993.60496.172 Withdrew May 30
2841 Clarence Belt 95.70496.13396.44295.82696.026

Tuesday May 29

Despite a slippery track, three drivers completed qualifying attempts. Officials decided that the deadline to qualify would be set at 12 noon. Late in the afternoon Ted Miller, the relief driver for Buddy Marr, was taking practice laps in the #35 B.W. Cooke Special. Miller crashed at the south end of the track. Miller suffered a broken arm and lacerations, and was taken to the hospital. The car was badly damaged. The crew would work into the night to try to repair the car, but ran out of time, and withdrew on race morning.

Name Lap 1
Lap 2
Lap 3
Lap 4
Average Speed
2918 Benny Shoaff102.409
3026 Ira Hall 96.886
3129 Henry Kohlert 93.545

Wednesday May 30

Two drivers, Wilbur Shaw and Jim Hill, received permission to qualify their cars at 5:00 a.m. on race morning. However, only Shaw took to the track. Shaw put Peter DePaolo's car in the field, a car repaired after the crash on Saturday. DePaolo was brought to the track by an ambulance, and cheered on the team lying on a stretcher trackside.

During practice runs just before the race, L. L. Corum and Dutch Baumann crashed their cars. Corum crashed in turn three. Baumann lost control in turn two and wrecked, but was not injured. Both cars were too damaged to race and both cars were withdrawn before the race started.

Name Lap 1
Lap 2
Lap 3
Lap 4
Average Speed
321 Wilbur Shaw100.956
31 Jim HillN/ADid not qualify

Starting grid

1 Leon Duray Cliff Woodbury Cliff Bergere
2 Tony Gulotta Babe Stapp Ralph Hepburn
3 Louis Schneider Lou Moore Fred Comer
4 Ray Keech Johnny Seymour George Souders
5 Louis Meyer Fred Frame Norman Batten
6 Sam Ross Deacon Litz Cliff Durant
7 Pete Kreis Billy Arnold Jimmy Gleason
8 Russ Snowberger Dave Evans Earl Devore
9 Clarence Belt Benny Shoaff Ira Hall
10 Henry Kohlert Wilbur Shaw 

Qualified cars withdrawn


Failed to qualify

Race summary

Morning rain threatened to postpone the start of the race, scheduled for 10:00 a.m. central standard time. The first shower came through the area at 6:30 a.m., followed by another brief shower at 8:30 a.m. About fifteen minutes later, the rain stopped and the track began to dry. Changes to the starting lineup shuffled the grid Wednesday morning. With Wilbur Shaw putting the DePaolo car in the field, his car was placed at the rear of the field. Meanwhile, three cars were withdrawn on race morning due to crashes. Buddy Marr's car, wrecked on Tuesday, was not repaired in enough time and was scratched. L. L. Corum and Dutch Baumann both suffered crashes during practice runs early Wednesday morning, and both were withdrawn. Both crashes were blamed on the damp conditions. Corum was not seriously injured, and planned to drive relief for other cars during the race.

Jim Hill was unable to qualify, and there were no alternates, so the 33-car field would be short by four cars. Only 29 cars lined up in the grid to take the starter's flag.


The track was still damp, but officials deemed it adequately dry for racing. The sun had come out, and the brick surface was drying quickly. With rain showers holding off, pace car driver Joe Dawson led the field around for one warm up lap. The field received the red starter's flag, and the race started on time.

Leon Duray grabbed the lead from the pole position at the start. The first lap was run at 113.279 mph, and Duray held a four car-length lead at the conclusion of the first lap. Cliff Woodbury ran second with Cliff Bergere in third. Benny Shoaff (lap 3) made a pit stop to adjust the distributor, and Fred Comer (lap 4) was also in the pits to change a tire.

Russ Snowberger was the first car out of the race, suffering a broken supercharger. Then, after starting in the outside of the front row, Cliff Bergere was out on lap 6 with a broken distributor shaft.

First half

Leon Duray dominated the early stages of the race. His average speed after 20 laps (50 miles) was 107.078 mph – over a mile per hour faster than the previous year. With Bergere out, Tony Gulotta moved up to second place, Babe Stapp was in third, Louis Schneider in fourth, and Jimmy Gleason was in fifth. Cliff Woodbury was forced to make a pit stop to change spark plugs. He lost nearly three minutes, and fell two laps down.

On lap 35, Benny Shoaff hit an oil slick in the south end of the track and spun out. The car crashed into the outside wall, rebounded, and came to rest facing the opposite direction. Shoaff's suffered a bloody nose, but no major injuries. Shoaff headed back to the pits, and would later drive relief for Fred Frame. Wilbur Shaw, the last qualifier who put his car in the field just that morning, was never a factor. Starting last (29th) in the same car that Peter DePaolo wrecked just days earlier, he lasted only 42 laps. He was another victim of broken timing gears. Shaw returned to the pits, and stood by to drive relief.

At the 100 mile mark (40 laps), Duray continued to lead, with Gulotta in second. Duray and Babe Stapp traded the lead for a few laps, but soon after Duray began to fade. After leading 59 of the first 62 laps, Duray's car was beginning to suffer overheating problems and he began to slip in the standings.

Defending race winner George Souders came to the lead on lap 63, and led for 16 laps. Souders reported that his car was difficult to handle, but he was able to run a consistent pace and stay near the front of the field. Cliff Woodbury, who started in the middle of the front row and had been plagued with mechanical problems early on, dropped out with 55 laps completed due to broken timing gears.

On lap 80 (200 miles) first-year starter Louis Meyer had charged up to fourth position.

As the race approached the halfway point, it was Jimmy Gleason (who started deep in the field), that was now the fastest car on the track. Gleason took the lead from Babe Stapp on lap 83, and set out to lead over the next 100 miles.

A leaking gasoline line on Ray Keech's car was beginning to cause the car to lose fuel pressure. Keech handed the car over to relief driver Wilbur Shaw, but Shaw did not last very long with burns on his leg due to the leaking fuel. Keech got back in the car, and pushed on.

Second half

Leon Duray's day finally came to an end after 133 laps. The car went out with overheating trouble while Cliff Woodbury was behind the wheel. Jimmy Gleason led until a pit stop on lap 135. He handed the car over to Russ Snowberger who drove relief for the next 13 laps. Snowberger maintained the lead in Gleason's car.

Ira Hall crashed out after competing 115 laps. Lou Wilson took over as relief driver for Louis Schneider. Then Scheinder himself got behind the wheel of Lou Moore's car. Both drivers finished the remainder of the race that way.

The final 100 miles was set to be a three-car battle between the cars of Jimmy Gleason, Tony Gulotta, and the steady but gaining Louis Meyer. Louis Schneider, now driving Lou Moore's car, was also inching closer to the leaders.

Shortly after 2:00 p.m., when the leaders had just passed the 400-mile mark (lap 160), a light rain began to fall. Officials put out the yellow flag and the drivers were instructed to proceed with caution. Officials contemplated halting the race (as has happened two years earlier) for safety reasons, but the shower was very brief. After only a few laps under yellow, the field went back to racing. At that moment, on his 162nd lap, Earl Devore skidded coming out of the north turns due to the wet conditions and eventually crashed into the outside wall in turn one. The fuel tank was crushed, and Devore was out of the race.


With twenty laps to go, Tony Gulotta led Jimmy Gleason and Louis Meyer. A margin of only 2.04 seconds separated 1st-2nd-3rd place. On lap 181, Gulotta began slowing down and stalled in turn three. A tiny leak in the fuel tank was causing his fuel pressure to drop, and his fuel line was clogged. Gulotta's crew would need an hour-long pit stop to make repairs. Gulotta and Dutch Baumann took turns nursing the car around to 10th-place finish. Meyer took the lead on lap 182, but Gleason was in second, and was in close contention.

On lap 195, Gleason headed for the pits to take on water for the radiator. A crew member missed the radiator and accidentally doused the car's magneto with water. The engine was ruined with a cracked water jacket as well, and Gleason was out of the race in sight of a chance for victory. Louis Meyer cruised at a steady pace to victory, winning by a little less than one lap margin over a charging Louis Schneider (in Lou Moore's car). Meyer is credited as a being a rookie winner, since his previous experience in the 1927 race was only in a relief driver role. Meyer made only one pit stop, a routine stop for oil, fuel, and to change two tires.

Ray Keech, despite bad burns on his leg, remarkably came home fourth. All three cars of the front row dropped out, and yet again, the supercharged front-engine machines failed to achieve victory. The highest finishing front wheel drive car was Babe Stapp in 6th place.

Box score

11314 Louis Meyer Alden Sampson IIMillerMiller111.352200Running
2828 Lou Moore
(Louis Schneider Laps 133-200)
Charles HaaseMillerMiller113.826200Running
3123 George Souders William S. WhiteMillerMiller111.444200Running
41015 Ray Keech
(Wilbur Shaw Laps 87-116)
M. A. YagleMillerMiller113.421200Running
51522 Norman Batten
(Zeke Meyer Laps 81-200)
Norman K. BattenFenglerMiller106.585200Running
657 Babe Stapp
(Ralph Hepburn Laps 122-145)
Phil ShaferMillerMiller116.887200Running
72043 Billy Arnold
(Bill Spence Laps 36-103)
(Bill Spence Laps 151-169)
Boyle Valve CompanyMillerMiller111.926200Running
81427 Fred Frame
(Ralph Hepburn Laps 178-185)
(Benny Shoaff Laps 186-200)
William S. WhiteDuesenbergDuesenberg107.501200Running
9925 Fred Comer
(Cliff Woodbury Laps 92-200)
Boyle Valve CompanyMillerMiller113.690200Running
1048 Tony Gulotta
(Dutch Baumann Laps 68-117)
(Dutch Baumann Laps 184-197)
J. R. BurgamyMillerMiller117.031200Running
11724 Louis Schneider
(Lou Wilson Laps 91-101)
(Lou Wilson Laps 106-200)
Louis F. SchneiderMillerMiller114.036200Running
122312 Dave EvansBoyle Valve CompanyMillerMiller108.264200Running
132829 Henry Kohlert
(Shorty Cantlon Laps 6-58)
(W. E. Shattuc Laps 59-115)
(Shorty Cantlon Laps 116-180)
Elgin Piston Pin CompanyMillerMiller93.545180Flagged
141723 Deacon Litz
(Wesley Crawford Laps 67-154)
A. B. LitzMillerMiller106.213161Flagged
152139 Jimmy Gleason
(Russ Snowberger Laps 136-147)
H. C. HenningDuesenbergDuesenberg111.708195Magneto
16185 Cliff Durant
(Bob McDonogh Laps 105-175)
Tommy MiltonDetroitMiller99.990175Supercharger
171133 Johnny Seymour Cooper Engineering CompanyCooperMiller111.671170Supercharger
18246 Earl Devore
(Cy Marshall Laps 91-148)
Metals Protection CompanyMillerMiller109.810161Crash T1
1914 Leon Duray
(Cliff Bergere Laps 92-133)
Leon DurayMillerMiller122.391133Overheating
201638 Sam Ross Reed & MulliganMillerMiller106.572132Timing gears
212726 Ira Hall
(Jack Petticord Laps 104-115)
Henry MaleyDuesenbergDuesenberg96.886115Crash T1
221932 Pete KreisCooper Engineering CompanyCooperMiller112.90673Rod bearing
23210 Cliff WoodburyBoyle Valve CompanyMillerMiller120.41855Timing gears
24616 Ralph HepburnHarry A. MillerMillerMiller116.35448Timing gears
25291 Wilbur ShawPeter DePaoloMillerMiller100.95642Timing gears
262618 Benny ShoaffDuesenberg BrothersDuesenbergDuesenberg102.40935Crash T1
272541 Clarence Belt Green Engineering CompanyGreenGreen96.02632Valve
28321 Cliff BergereCliff BergereMillerMiller119.9567Supercharger
292234 Russ Snowberger Cooper Engineering CompanyMillerMiller111.6184Supercharger

Note: Relief drivers in parentheses[51]

Former Indianapolis 500 winner

Indianapolis 500 Rookie


Lap Leaders
1-54 Leon Duray
55-57 Babe Stapp
58-62 Leon Duray
63-78 George Souders
79-82 Jimmy Gleason
83-96 Babe Stapp
97-135 Jimmy Gleason
136-148 Russ Snowberger
149-181 Tony Gulotta
182-200 Louis Meyer
Total laps led


The race was carried live on radio on WKBF-AM, in a partnership arranged with the Indianapolis News. The broadcast began at 9:30 a.m. local time, and was about six hours in duration. It was the fourth consecutive year the race was being carried on the radio through this format. WFBM also picked up the broadcast. The broadcast originated from the Pagoda, with microphones also set up in the pit area. The booth announcing staff was led by Chris Albion. John Mannix led the pit reporting crew.[52] [53]

For the first time ever, NBC came on air for live national coverage of the final hour of the race. At approximately 2:10 p.m., anchor Graham McNamee's call was picked up on WKBF and numerous other NBC affiliates across the country.[54]


Works cited


Notes and References

  1. Book: Fox, Jack C.. The Illustrated History of the Indianapolis 500 1911-1994. Carl Hungness Publishing. 4th. 1994. 22. en. 0-915088-05-3.
  2. News: Los Angeles Drivers Thrills Huge Crowd With Daring Finish. W. Blaine. Patton. The Indianapolis Star. 1. Newspapers.com. May 31, 1928. June 3, 2017.
  3. News: Drivers Get Prizes at Dinner Thursday. William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis News. 23. Newspapers.com. May 29, 1928. February 25, 2016.
  4. News: Another Wasp Soon To Buzz at Speedway. The Indianapolis News. 36. Newspapers.com. April 13, 1928. February 4, 2016.
  5. News: Frack Lockhart to Try For Speed Record. The Indianapolis News. 19. Newspapers.com. April 16, 1928. February 4, 2016.
  6. News: Speedway Again Alive and Buzzing as Drivers Prepare Mounts for Big Race. The Indianapolis News. 18. Newspapers.com. April 28, 1928. February 2, 2016.
  7. News: Bugatti Car Entered in Race at Speedway. The Indianapolis News. 20. Newspapers.com. April 30, 1928. February 2, 2016.
  8. News: Thirty-Two Cars Entered in 500-Mile Speedway Race on Eve of Closing. The Indianapolis News. 22. Newspapers.com. May 1, 1928. February 10, 2016.
  9. News: Late Filing Bring Entries in 500-Mile Race to Thirty-Six (Part 1). The Indianapolis News. 23. Newspapers.com. May 2, 1928. February 10, 2016.
  10. News: Late Filing Bring Entries in 500-Mile Race to Thirty-Six (Part 2). The Indianapolis News. 25. Newspapers.com. May 2, 1928. February 10, 2016.
  11. News: Last Minute Decision Results in Entry of Third Marmon Racer. The Indianapolis News. 24. Newspapers.com. May 2, 1928. February 10, 2016.
  12. News: Lull at Speedway Precedes Barrage of Gasoline Fumes. William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis News. 20. Newspapers.com. May 5, 1928. February 10, 2016.
  13. News: World-Speed Champion To Drive in 500-Mile Race May 30. The Indianapolis News. 48. Newspapers.com. May 4, 1928. February 10, 2016.
  14. News: George Souders Lectures Purdue Senior Engineers. The Indianapolis News. 49. Newspapers.com. May 4, 1928. February 10, 2016.
  15. News: Design and Color of Racers Promise Eyefull for Fans. William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis News. 21. Newspapers.com. May 7, 1928. February 10, 2016.
  16. News: Three-Fourths of Lap Prize Contributions Are Pledged. The Indianapolis News. 23. Newspapers.com. May 9, 1928. February 13, 2016.
  17. News: Ralph DePalma Seeks Entry to Drive in Speedway Event. William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis News. 27. Newspapers.com. May 10, 1928. February 13, 2016.
  18. News: Speedway Notes. William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis News. 42. Newspapers.com. May 11, 1928. February 13, 2016.
  19. News: Early Scenes at Indianapolis Speedway. The Indianapolis News. 16. Newspapers.com. May 12, 1928. February 13, 2016.
  20. News: Breezy Chatter Heard Around Speedway Garages. William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis News. 23. Newspapers.com. May 14, 1928. February 13, 2016.
  21. News: Breezy Chatter Heard Around Speedway Garages. William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis News. 21. Newspapers.com. May 15, 1928. February 16, 2016.
  22. News: Breezy Chatter Heard Around Speedway. William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis News. 19. Newspapers.com. May 16, 1928. February 16, 2016.
  23. News: Breezy Chatter Heard Around Speedway. William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis News. 26. Newspapers.com. May 17, 1928. February 16, 2016.
  24. News: Speedway Appetizers – Makes new Stopwatch Record. William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis News. 40. Newspapers.com. May 18, 1928. February 18, 2016.
  25. News: Speedway Appetizers. William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis News. 18. Newspapers.com. May 19, 1928. February 18, 2016.
  26. News: Drivers Show Stuff in Sunday Trials; Breezy Gossip Heard Around Speedway. William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis News. 22. Newspapers.com. May 21, 1928. February 18, 2016.
  27. News: Qualification Trials for 500-Mile Race to Start at Speedway Saturday. William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis News. 20. Newspapers.com. May 22, 1928. February 18, 2016.
  28. News: Duray, Bergere, DePaolo, Hepburn Promise High Speed for Front Row Positions (Part 1). William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis News. 23. Newspapers.com. May 23, 1928. February 18, 2016.
  29. News: Duray, Bergere, DePaolo, Hepburn Promise High Speed for Front Row Positions (Part 2). William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis News. 24. Newspapers.com. May 23, 1928. February 18, 2016.
  30. News: With Eight Cars Entered, Indianapolis Should Have Good Chance to Win Race. William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis News. 26. Newspapers.com. May 24, 1928. February 19, 2016.
  31. News: Dark Horse May Challenge Duray, Bergere and DePaolo in Qualifying Trials. William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis News. 38. Newspapers.com. May 25, 1928. February 19, 2016.
  32. News: Twenty-eight Drivers Stand Ready for Qualifying Trials at Motor Speedway. William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis News. 18. Newspapers.com. May 26, 1928. February 19, 2016.
  33. Book: Blazier, John E. . Rollings, Tom . Forgotten Heroes of the Speedways: The Riding Mechanics. 1994.
  34. News: Twenty-Four Racers Qualify With Nine More to Take Time Trials at Speedway. The Indianapolis News. 21. Newspapers.com. May 28, 1928. February 22, 2016.
  35. News: Qualification Time and Average. The Indianapolis News. 22. Newspapers.com. May 28, 1928. February 22, 2016.
  36. News: Tearing Firma. The Indianapolis News. 23. Newspapers.com. May 28, 1928. February 22, 2016.
  37. News: Speedway Field Raised as Four More Pass Test (Part 1). William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis Star. 1. Newspapers.com. May 29, 1928. March 8, 2016.
  38. News: Speedway Field Raised as Four More Pass Test (Part 2). William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis Star. 17. Newspapers.com. May 29, 1928. March 8, 2016.
  39. News: How They Qualified. The Indianapolis Star. 16. Newspapers.com. May 29, 1928. March 8, 2016.
  40. News: Day When Speed Is King Awaited (Part 1). William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis News. 1. Newspapers.com. May 29, 1928. March 8, 2016.
  41. News: Day When Speed Is King Awaited (Part 2). William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis News. 4. Newspapers.com. May 29, 1928. March 8, 2016.
  42. News: 2 Others To Try Qualifying Test For Dizzy Grind. William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis Star. 1. Newspapers.com. May 30, 1928. March 8, 2016.
  43. News: 30 Racers Await Start of Grind. William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis Star. 16. Newspapers.com. May 30, 1928. March 8, 2016.
  44. News: Leon Duray in Miller No. 4 Leads at 145 Miles – Speed Exceeds That of 1928 500-Mile Race (Part 1). The Indianapolis News. 1. Newspapers.com. May 30, 1928. March 8, 2016.
  45. News: Leon Duray in Miller No. 4 Leads at 145 Miles – Speed Exceeds That of 1928 500-Mile Race (Part 2). The Indianapolis News. 1. Newspapers.com. May 30, 1928. March 8, 2016.
  46. News: Youngster, Unassisted, Drives Miller Into First Place in the 500-Mile Race. William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis News. 26. Newspapers.com. May 31, 1928. March 8, 2016.
  47. News: Louis Meyer Wins Fame and Fortune. William F.. Sturm. The Indianapolis News. 29. Newspapers.com. May 31, 1928. March 8, 2016.
  48. News: Speedway Appetizers. The Indianapolis News. William F.. Sturm. 14. Newspapers.com. May 14, 1929. December 16, 2015.
  49. News: 500 Miles to Go. 500MilesToGo.org. Al. Bloemker. March 8, 2016.
  50. Book: The Indianapolis 500 Chronicle. Publications International, Ltd.. Rick. Popely. L. Spencer. Riggs. 1998. 0-7853-2798-3. Lincolnwood, Illinois.
  51. Web site: International 500 Mile Sweepstakes – May 30, 1928. ChampCarStats.com.
  52. News: News-WKBF Plan for 500-Mile Race Again (Part 1). The Indianapolis News. 1. Newspapers.com. May 22, 1928. March 28, 2016.
  53. News: News-WKBF Plan for 500-Mile Race Again (Part 2). The Indianapolis News. 26. Newspapers.com. May 22, 1928. March 28, 2016.
  54. News: Race News as radio fan wishes it to be put into microphone as Speedway by the News and WKBF. The Indianapolis News. 5. Newspapers.com. May 29, 1928. March 28, 2016.