Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Unit | Location | Notes | Images |
Cymbella partita[1] | sp nov | Mann | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | A cymbellaceous diatom | |||
Cymbella sagittarius | sp nov | Mann | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | A cymbellaceous diatom | |||
Navicula contendens | sp nov | Mann | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | A naviculaceous diatom | |||
Navicula iridescens | sp nov | jr synonym | Mann | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | A naviculaceous diatom Moved to Neidium iridescens (1975) | ||
Navicula pauper | sp nov | Mann | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | A naviculaceous diatom | |||
Navicula pontifica | sp nov | Mann | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | A naviculaceous diatom | |||
Navicula protrudens | sp nov | Mann | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | A naviculaceous diatom | |||
Navicula pseudoaffinis | sp nov | Mann | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | A naviculaceous diatom | |||
Navicula reversa | sp nov | Mann | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | A naviculaceous diatom | |||
Navicula substauroneis | sp nov | Mann | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | A naviculaceous diatom | |||
Stauroneis (Navicula) acutissima | sp nov | Mann | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | A stauroneidaceous diatom | thumb|center|upright|Stauroneis acutissima | ||
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Unit | Location | Notes | Images |
Archaeomnium[2] | Gen et sp nov | jr synonym | Britton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | A moss of uncertain affiliation Synonymized with Hypnites (1980) The type species is A. patens | ||
Polytrichites | Gen et sp nov | valid? | Britton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | A possible polytrichaceous moss The type species is P. spokanensis | ||
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Unit | Location | Notes | Images |
Libocedrus praedecurrens | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Potlatch Florule | A sandarac species Moved to Fokienia praedecurrens (1959) Moved to Fokieniopsis praedecurrens (1997).[4] Moved to Tetraclinis salicornioides var. praedecurrens (2000)[5] | ||
Tumion bonseri | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | A plum-yew species Moved to Torreya bonseri (1952) Moved to Cephalotaxus bonseri (1959) | ||
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Unit | Location | Notes | Images |
Arisaema hesperia | Sp nov | valid? | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Coeur d'Alene Florule | A possible araceous monocot Sometimes had been treated as a jr synonym of Liquidambar pachyphyllum[6] | ||
Canna? dawsoni | Sp nov | jr synonym | Berry | Eocene | Burrard Formation | A possible cannaceous leaf species synonymized with Cannophyllites magnifolia in 1949[7] | ||
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Unit | Location | Notes | Images |
Diospyros andersonae | Sp nov | Jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | A persimmon leaf species Synonymized into Diospyros oregoniana (1959) | ||
Diospyros dawsoni | Sp nov | Berry | Eocene Ypresian | Okanagan Highlands Chu Chua Formation | A persimmon leaf species | |||
Diospyros? microcalyx | Sp nov | Jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | First named as a persimmon calyx species Moved to Porana microcalyx (1929)[8] | ||
Vaccinium salicoides | Sp nov | valid? | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Coeur d'Alene Florule | First named as a huckleberry leaf species Synonymized into Vaccinium americanum (1929) Resurrected as a species of uncertain affinity (1959) | ||
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Unit | Location | Notes | Images |
Alnus cremastogynoides[9] | Sp nov | Berry | Eocene Ypresian | Chu Chua Formation | An alder leaf species | |||
Alnus crispoides | Sp nov | Berry | Eocene Ypresian | Chu Chua Formation | An alder leaf species | |||
Betula bryani | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | First named as a birch leaf species Synonymized into Alnus fairi (1937)[10] | ||
Betula fairii | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | First named as a birch leaf species Moved to Alnus fairi (1966)[11] | ||
Betula? largei | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | First named as a birch leaf species Synonymized into Alnus fairi (1937) Resurrected and moved to Alnus largei (1966) | ||
Betula nanoides | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Coeur d'Alene Florule | First named as a birch leaf species Synonymized into Alnus fairi (1934)[12] | ||
Betula parvifolia | Sp nov | jr synonym | Berry | Eocene Ypresian | Chu Chua Formation | First named as a birch leaf species Moved to Alnus parvifolia (1987)[13] | ||
Betula thor | Sp nov | valid | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | First named as a birch leaf species Synonymized into Betula heteromorpha (1937) Resurrected as Betula thor (1959) | ||
Celastrophyllum pugetensis | Sp nov | Berry | Eocene | Burrard Formation | A possible celastraceous leaf species | |||
Celastrus fernquisti | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Coeur d'Alene Florule | First named as a Celastrus leaf species Synonymized into Alnus fairi (1937) | ||
Cercis? spokanensis | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | First named as a redbud fruit species Moved to Caesalpinia spokanensis (1991)[14] | ||
Comptonia predryandroides | Sp nov | Berry | Eocene Ypresian | Chu Chua Formation | A myricaceous leaf species | |||
Ficus? johnstoni | Sp nov | Berry | Eocene | Burrard Formation | A possible moraceous leaf species | |||
Ficus? washingtonensis | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Coeur d'Alene Florule | First named as an fig leaf species Synonymized into Cercis spokanensis (1937) Synonymized into Exbucklandia oregonesis (1946)[15] | ||
Hicoria dawsoni | Sp nov | jr synonym | Berry | Eocene Ypresian | Chu Chua Formation | A punitive hickory leaf species Moved to Carya dawsoni in 1952 | ||
Hicoria stanleyanum | comb nov | jr synonym | (Dawson) Berry | Eocene | Burrard Formation | A punitive hickory leaf species Moved from Dryophyllum stanleyanum (1895) Moved to Carya stanleyanum in 1952 | ||
Juglans nigelloides | Sp nov | Berry | Eocene | Burrard Formation | A juglandaceous leaf species | |||
Leguminosites johnstoni | Sp nov | Berry | Eocene Ypresian | Burrard Formation | A legume leaf morphospecies. | |||
Meibomites lucens | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Coeur d'Alene Florule | First named as a Meibomites leaf species Synonymized into Cercis spokanensis (1937) Synonymized into Exbucklandia oregonesis (1946) | ||
Myrica uglowi | Sp nov | Jr synonym | Berry | Eocene Ypresian | Chu Chua Formation | A myricaceous leaf species synonymized with Bohlenia insignis in 1987. | ||
Populus acuminatafolia | Sp nov | Berry | Eocene Ypresian | Chu Chua Formation | A cottonwood leaf species | |||
Populus fairii | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | First named as a cottonwood leaf species Synonymized with Zizyphoides auriculata (1991)[16] | ||
Populus heteromorpha | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | First named as a cottonwood leaf species Synonymized with Zizyphoides auriculata (1991) | ||
Populus washingtonensis | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Coeur d'Alene Florule | First named as a cottonwood leaf species Moved to Vitus washingtonensis (1937) | ||
Prunus rustii | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Coeur d'Alene Florule | First named as a cherry leaf species Synonymized into Alnus corallina (1937) Synonymized into Alnus hollandiana (1959) | ||
Quercus chaneyi | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | An oak leaf species Synonymized with Quercus simulata (1929)[17] | ||
Quercus cognatus | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Coeur d'Alene Florule | An oak leaf species Synonymized with Quercus payettensis (1937) | ||
Quercus obtusa | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | An oak leaf species Synonymized with Quercus payettensis (1937) | ||
Quercus praenigra | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Coeur d'Alene Florule | An oak leaf species Synonymized with Quercus payettensis (1937) | ||
Quercus rustii | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Coeur d'Alene Florule | An oak leaf species Synonymized with Quercus payettensis (1937) | ||
Quercus spokanensis | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Coeur d'Alene Florule | First named as an oak leaf species Synonymized with Castanea orientalis (1929) Resurrected as Castanea spokanensis (1959) | ||
Quercus uglowi | Sp nov | Berry | Eocene Ypresian | Chu Chua Formation | A oak leaf species | |||
Rhamnus kitsilaniana | Sp nov | Berry | Eocene | Burrard Formation | A buckthorn leaf morphospecies. | |||
Salix bryani | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | A willow leaf species Synonymized into Salix florissanti (1934) Synonymized into Salix hesperia (1959) | ||
Salix inquirenda | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | A willow leaf species Synonymized into Salix hesperia (1944)[18] | ||
Salix remotidens | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | A willow leaf species Synonymized into Salix hesperia (1944) | ||
Sophora alexanderi | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Coeur d'Alene Florule | A Sophora leaf species Synonymized into Sophora spokanensis (1937) | ||
Sophora spokanensis | Sp nov | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | A Sophora leaf species | |||
Sorbus decorifolia | Sp nov | Berry | Eocene Ypresian | Chu Chua Formation | A punitive mountain ash leaf species | |||
Ulmus columbianus | sp nov | jr homonym | Berry | Eocene Ypresian | Chu Chua Formation | An elm leaf species Name preoccupied by Ulmus columbianus Penhallow (1907) Moved to Ulmus chuchuanus in 1952. | ||
Ulmus fernquisti | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | First named as an elm leaf species Synonymized into Zelkova oregoniana (1937) Moved to Zelkova browni (1977)[19] | ||
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Unit | Location | Notes | Images |
Acer chaneyi[20] | Sp nov | Valid | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | A maple species | ||
Malva? hesperia | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | First named as a possible mallow fruit species Synonymized with Nordenskioldia interglacialis (1991) | ||
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Unit | Location | Notes | Images |
Carpites boraginoides | Sp nov | valid? | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Coeur d'Alene Florule | A fruit or seed of uncertain affinity Suggested to possibly be boraginaceous or malvaceous | ||
Carpites ginkgoides | Sp nov | valid? | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Coeur d'Alene Florule | A fruit or seed of uncertain affinity Strongly similar to modern Ginkgo biloba fruits. | ||
Carpites magnifica | Sp nov | valid? | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Coeur d'Alene Florule | A fruit or seed of uncertain affinity Moved to Nyssa magnifica (1929) | ||
Carpites menthoides | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | First named as a fruit of uncertain affinity Synonymized into Nordenskioldia interglacialis (1991) | ||
Carpites paulownia | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Coeur d'Alene Florule | A fruit or seed of uncertain affinity Synonymized into Gordonia hesperia (1937) Synonymized into Gordonia idahoensis (1959) | ||
Carpites polygonoides | Sp nov | valid? | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | A fruit or seed of uncertain affinity Reminiscent of Rumex fruits | ||
Carpites spokanensis | Sp nov | valid? | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | Seed or other reproductive organs of uncertain affinity Brown (1937) suggested as bud scales | ||
Phyllites amplexicaulis | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | First named as a fruit of uncertain affinity Synonymized with Nordenskioldia interglacialis (1991) | ||
Phyllites crustacea | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | First named as a leaf of uncertain affinity Synonymized into Zelkova oregoniana (1937) Synonymized into Quercus simulata (1959) | ||
Phyllites pardeei | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | First named as a leaf of uncertain affinity Moved to Philadelphus pardeei (1937) | ||
Phyllites peculiaris | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | First named as a leaf of uncertain affinity Synonymized into Philadelphus pardeei (1937) | ||
Phyllites relatus | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | First named as a leaf of uncertain affinity Moved to Alnus relatus (1937) | ||
Phyllites sophoroides | Sp nov | jr synonym | Knowlton | Miocene Langhian | Latah Formation Spokane Florule | First named as a leaf of uncertain affinity Moved to Vaccinium sophoroides (1937) | ||
Data courtesy of George Olshevsky's dinosaur genera list.[23]
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Unit | Location | Notes | Images |
Proceratosaurus[24] | Gen et comb nov. | Valid | von Huene | Middle Jurassic Bathonian | Forest Marble Formation | A proceratosaurid tyrannosauroid The type species is Megalosaurus bradleyi. | ||
Rhoetosaurus[25] | Gen. et sp nov. | Valid | Longman | Middle Jurassic Oxfordian | Walloon Coal Measures | A basal gravisaurian sauropod. The type species is R. brownei. | ||
Name | Novelty | Status | Authors | Age | Unit | Location | Notes | Images |
Chiwetasaurus | Junior synonym | Haughton | Late Permian Lopingian | Beaufort Group Cistecephalus Assemblage Zone | ![]() | A junior synonym of Gorgonops. | ||
Dixeya | Junior synonym | Haughton | Late Permian | Teekloof Formation Tropidostoma Assemblage Zone | ![]() | A junior synonym of Aelurognathus. | ||