1921 in Canada explained

Events from the year 1921 in Canada.



Federal government

Provincial governments

Lieutenant governors


Territorial governments



Full date unknown

Arts and literature



January to March

April to June

July to December

Full date unknown


See also

Historical documents

Frederick Banting speaks on his research into separating life-saving insulin from pancreas's insulin-destroying secretion[6]

Former Indian agent says Kainai (Blood) cheated out of their land by "predatory leases"[7]

Film: morality-centred story of two women factory workers in Toronto[8]

Witness testifies to House committee on proportional representation so that MPs "may represent the opinions of people rather than acres"[9]

Prime Minister Meighen rebuffs Opposition Leader Mackenzie King's attempt to advise on upcoming Imperial Conference[10]

Prime Minister Meighen on unity in diversity in Commonwealth of Nations[11]

"Dark, gloomy, and brutal, [with] a disrespect for law and order" - Nellie McClung says movies are moral menace[12]

Film: Ontario fruit production includes young women picking fruit, storage and retail[13]

Police reject pleas to bust exposed knees[14]

"Races have awakened intense interest" - Lunenburg fishing schooner Bluenose wins international race off Halifax[15]

Christmas celebration at rural Prairie school[16]

Franklin D. Roosevelt's family cottage on Campobello Island, N.B., preserved to last year he stayed there[17]

Notes and References

  1. Web site: King George V The Canadian Encyclopedia . www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca . 4 December 2022.
  2. "Agnes Macphail: The first woman elected to Canada's House of Commons." Elections Canada. http://www.elections.ca/res/eim/article_search/article.asp?id=108&lang=e&frmPageSize=
  3. Web site: 2007-11-08 . Some Significant Moments in Chinese-Canadian History . https://web.archive.org/web/20070625224815/http://www.explorasian.org/history_chinesecdn.html . 2007-06-25 . dead .
  4. Web site: 2007-11-08 . Saskatchewan History . https://web.archive.org/web/20071012085756/http://olc.spsd.sk.ca/DE/Saskatchewan100/1915.html . 12 October 2007 . dead .
  5. Web site: 1921 – the History of Metropolitan Vancouver.
  6. F.G. Banting, "Early Work on Insulin" Science, Vol. 85, No. 2217 (June 25, 1937), pgs. 594-6. Accessed 16 June 2020
  7. R.N. Wilson, Our Betrayed Wards; A story of "Chicanery, Infidelity and the Prostitution of Trust" (1921). Accessed 15 April 2020
  8. Provincial Board of Health (Ontario), "Her Own Fault" (1921), Library and Archives Canada. Accessed 22 September 2024
  9. http://parl.canadiana.ca/view/oop.com_HOC_1305_3_1/8?r=0&s=1 "Minutes of Evidence"
  10. Arthur Meighen, Speech to House of Commons (April 27, 1921). Accessed 15 April 2020
  11. Arthur Meighen, "Unity in Diversity" Overseas Addresses; June–July 1921, pgs. 51-8. Accessed 16 April 2020
  12. https://cdm22007.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/p22007coll19/id/204137 "Control and Censorship of Moving Pictures under Department of Education"
  13. Department of Trade and Commerce (Ottawa), "Where Nature Smiles" (1921), Library and Archives Canada. Accessed 22 September 2024
  14. https://cdm22007.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/p22007coll19/id/204087 "Women May Wear 'Em Short As They Like"
  15. https://archive.org/details/n06sessionalpaper59canauoft/page/n87/mode/1up "The International Schooner Race"
  16. J.T.M. Anderson, "Christmas in 'Glory Hole'" The School; A Magazine Devoted to Elementary and Secondary Education, Volume X (Sept. 1921 - June 1922), pgs. 233-4. Accessed 16 April 2020
  17. "The Road to Campobello," Roadside Adventures, Mountain Lake PBS, Plattsburgh, N.Y. Accessed 14 December 2019 https://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip_113-719kdhk9 (click on Transcript Show; note: transcript not consistent with audio recording)