1917 in chess explained
Events in chess in 1917:
Chess events in brief
- Vienna (the 8th Leopold Trebitsch Memorial Tournament) (Triangular), won by Carl Schlechter ahead of Milan Vidmar and Arthur Kaufmann, 1916/17.
- Łódź won by Akiba Rubinstein ahead of Gersz Salwe and Teodor Regedziński, 1916/17.
- Łódź (Quadrangular), won by G. Salwe, 1916/17.
- Brno won by Julius Brach.
- Budapest won by Gyula Breyer followed by Zsigmond Barász, Károly Sterk, Kornél Havasi and Johannes Esser.
- Warsaw won by A. Rubinstein ahead of Moishe Lowtzky, Zdzisław Belsitzmann and Alexander Flamberg.
- Triberg (Quadrangular) won by Ilya Rabinovich and Alexey Selezniev.
- Berlin won by Walter John and Paul Johner.
- Paris won by Arnold Aurbach ahead of Adolphe Silbert.
- The Hague won by Jan Willem te Kolsté and Gerard Oskam.
- Scheveningen won by George Salto Fontein and G. Oskam ahead of Max Marchand and Rudolf Loman.
- Utrecht won by H. van Hartingsvelt and H.S. van Linschoten.
- New York City (Manhattan Chess Club Championship), won by Abraham Kupchik.
- Rochester (New York State Championship) won by Oscar Chajes ahead of H.M. Philips.
- Lexington (the 18th Western Chess Association), won by Edward Lasker ahead of Jackson Whipps Showalter and W. Winter, finished 25 August.
- Havana (Triangular), won by C.S. Howell ahead of Juan Corzo.
- Buenos Aires won by Rolando Illa and C.M. Portela.
- Christiania (the 10th Nordic Chess Championship), won by Gustaf Nyholm ahead of Karl Berndtsson.
- Stockholm (Swedish Chess Championship) won by Otto von Löwenborg and Anton Olson ahead of K. Berndtsson and G. Nyholm.
- Grenaa (the 8th Danish Chess Championship), won by Egil Jacobsen.
- London (the 28th London championship), won jointly by Philip Walsingham Sergeant, E. Macdonald and G.E. Wainwright, ahead of Edward Guthlac Sergeant and Theodor Germann, 1917/18.
- The Hague won by G.S. Fontein ahead of Alexander Rueb, 1917/18.
- Łódź won by T. Regedziński ahead of Samuel Factor and G. Salwe, 1917/18.
- Vienna (the 9th Leopold Trebitsch Memorial Tournament) (Quadrangular), won by M. Vidmar ahead of Savielly Tartakower, C. Schlechter and Lajos Asztalos, 1917/18.