1882 in Romania explained

Events from the year 1882 in Romania. The year saw the departure of the Thetis, carrying Romanian Jews to Palestine.





Notes and References

  1. Book: Treptow, Kurt W. . A History of Romania . Iaşi . Center for Romanian Studies . 2001 . 978-9-73943-235-1 . 597.
  2. Book: Giurescu . Constantin C. . Chronological History of Romania . Matei . Horia C. . Popa . Marcel . Alexandrescu . Ion . Chiper . Ioan . Enciclopedică Română . 1974 . Bucharest . 462 . 251025169.
  3. Mariana-Delia . Pohib . Emigrarea evreilor prin portul galați, la sfârșitul secolului al xix-lea și începutul secolului următor, reflectată în documentele arhivei diplomatice a ministerului afacerilor externe . The emigration of the jews through the port of galaţi, at the end of the xix-th and the beginning of the xx-th centuries, as reflected in the documents of the diplomatic archives of the ministry of external affairs . Danubius . 38 . 1 . 2020 . 256 . RO.
  4. Web site: Ion Mihalache (18 februarie 1882–5 februarie 1963) . Ion Mihalache (18 February 1882–5 February 1963) . www.memorialsighet.ro . 5 February 2018 . ro . 9 February 2018 . https://web.archive.org/web/20180209233211/https://www.memorialsighet.ro/ion-mihalache-55-de-ani-de-la-moarte/.
  5. Book: Constantin C. . Giurescu . Lia Ioana . Ciplea . Five years and two months in the Sighet Penitentiary : May 7, 1950-July 5, 1955 . New York . Columbia University Press . 1994 . 146 . 978-0-88033-303-0.
  6. Book: Deletant, Dennis . Dennis Deletant . Hitler's Forgotten Ally: Ion Antonescu and His Regime, Romania, 1940–1944 . . London . 2006 . 1-4039-9341-6. 259.
  7. Book: Marilyn Bailey Ogilvie. Joy Dorothy Harvey. The Biographical Dictionary of Women in Science: L-Z. 2000. New York. Taylor & Francis. 978-0-415-92040-7. 884.
  8. M. . Matei . 1982 . The Lesson of Vasile Pârvan . Romanian Review . 36 . 8 . 11.
  9. Book: Petcu, Marian . Istoria Jurnalismului din România în Date: Enciclopedie Cronologică . History of Romanian Journalism in Data: Chronological Encyclopedia . Bucharest . Editura Polirom . 2013 . 1890 . 978-9-73463-854-3 . RO.
  10. Book: Liviu Emil . Pop . Mihai . Nicolescu . Un om, o viață, un destin . A Man, A Life, A Destiny . Aius . Craiova . 2017 . 978-6-06562-697-3 . 236 . RO.