1738 Vrancea earthquake explained

1738 Vrancea earthquake
Local-Date:31 May 1738
Local-Time: 11:00
Magnitude:7.5 [1]
7.7 Mw
Depth:130 km
Intensity:9.5 MSK[2]
Foreshocks:8 May 1738

The 1738 Vrancea earthquake occurred on, during the third rule of Constantin Mavrocordat. The seism aroused great panic and is mentioned in several sources. It occurred in the lower lithospheric block, at a depth of . Its effects were violent on large areas, the hardest hit being Bucharest, where several houses and churches collapsed.

The Romanian territories were not the only affected. In Niš, a Serbian city where the Ottoman army was quartered, the fortress on Nišava partially collapsed, and in Nikopol on Danube four mosques collapsed.[3] [4]

At an estimated magnitude of 7.7 on the Richter scale, the earthquake of 1738 is one of the strongest in Romanian history.


According to the catalogue of Cornelius Radu, several foreshocks of magnitude 5–6 occurred starting with March 1738. In a chronicle it is mentioned that a "large" foreshock happened on 8 May 1738. It occurred at "5 o'clock", but its magnitude is not known.


The earthquake was felt especially in Bucharest, Iași, Focșani, Buzău, and Sfântu Gheorghe. In Iași, 11 monasteries, 15 houses, 15 towers, and a church steeple collapsed.[5] In the Carpathian Mountains, several rockslides occurred, a large one in the Buzău River Valley. Significant damage was reported in citadels like Rupea, Șchei, and Prejmer, where walls and defending towers were destroyed or severely damaged.[6] The seismic wave also affected the Neamț Citadel, where its thick walls collapsed.[7]

In the chronicle of Constantin Dapontes it is mentioned that the walls of the Princely Palace in Bucharest were cracked. In a book of hours it appears that on 31 May the earth was shaken, and even "split and came out water with smell of gunpowder and brimstone". In the same book of hours it is mentioned that many arches and walls of monasteries and houses in Bucharest were cracked, while "outside" churches and arches have collapsed. A Slavo-Romanian psalter gives information about the intensity of the earthquake: "the earth trembled in the month of May, on 31, midday, very strong, and went to the east and again turned backward. And the trees were shaking, like the wind, and has destroyed homes and the earth made great noise".[8]

In From yesterday Bucharest (Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan: Din Bucureștii de ieri), George Potra reminds that the calamity "began with a great roaring". Many houses and churches were damaged and a "deep fracture" was open near Bucharest.[9]

Academician Gr. Ștefănescu wrote in a study published in 1901 that, during the earthquake in 1738, church bells began to ring themselves.

See also

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Seismicitatea României . National Institute for Earth Physics . Romanian . dead . https://web.archive.org/web/20140924223430/http://www1.infp.ro/seismicitate-locala/seismicitatea-romaniei . 2014-09-24 .
  2. Web site: Vulnerabilitatea seismică a fondului construit din România la acțiunea cutremurelor vrâncene . Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest . Bică Andrei Gabriel . 2013 . Romanian . 2014-09-16 . https://web.archive.org/web/20150122151257/http://sd.utcb.ro/_upload/content/docs/233_bica_andrei-gabriel_-_rezumat_ro.pdf . 2015-01-22 . dead .
  3. Web site: Craiova - Cutremure . Vladimir Rosulescu - Istorie . 15 September 2011 . Romanian.
  4. Web site: Forensic engineering studies on historical earthquakes in Romania . 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering . 1–6 August 2004 . Vancouver . Georgescu . Emil-Sever.
  5. Web site: Istoria cutremurelor în România . Forpedia . 24 November 2010 . Romanian . 16 September 2014 . https://web.archive.org/web/20140714204739/http://forpedia.ro/showthread.php?2316-Istoria-cutremurelor-in-Romania . 14 July 2014 . dead .
  6. Web site: Brașovul și seismele . Roeduseis . Georgescu . Emil-Sever . Dobre . Daniela . Dragomir . Claudiu-Sorin . Borcia . Ioan Sorin . Romanian.
  7. Web site: În România cutremurul catastrofal vine după 2041! . . Gabriel Păleanu . 25 June 2011 . Romanian.
  8. Web site: Scurt istoric al cutremurelor majore produse în România . Antena 3 . 26 April 2009 . Romanian.
  9. Web site: Large Vrancea intermediate depth earthquakes and seismic microzonation of Bucharest urban area . Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering . 16 October 2006 . Mândrescu . Neculai . Radulian . Mircea . Mărmureanu . Gheorghe . Grecu . Bogdan.