1695 in piracy explained

Events that took place in 1695 in piracy.


Indian Ocean


Notes and References

  1. Book: Captain Charles Johnson . Captain Charles Johnson . A General History of the Pyrates . 14 May 1724 . Charles Rivington
    J. Lacy, and J. Stone
    . . 66-84 . 2 . https://archive.org/details/vol1_20200912/vol2/page/n65/mode/2up?view=theater . A General History of the Pyrates . Of Captain Tew And His Crew.
  2. Book: Captain Charles Johnson . Captain Charles Johnson . A General History of the Pyrates . 14 May 1724 . Charles Rivington
    J. Lacy, and J. Stone
    . . 40-52 . 1 . https://archive.org/details/vol1_20200912/vol1/page/n39/mode/2up?view=theater . A General History of the Pyrates . Of Captain Avery And His Crew.