155 (number) explained
Number: | 155 |
Divisor: | 1, 5, 31, 155 |
155 (one hundred [and] fifty-five) is the natural number following 154 and preceding 156.
In mathematics
155 is:
has a total of 5 ones in it.
There are 155 primitive permutation groups of degree 81.
If one adds up all the primes from the least through the greatest prime factors of 155, that is, 5 and 31, the result is 155. Only three other "small" semiprimes (10, 39, and 371) share this attribute.
In the military
- was a United States Navy Admirable-class minesweeper during World War II
- was a United States Navy Wickes-class destroyer during World War II
- was a United States Navy General G. O. Squier-class transport during World War II
- was a United States Navy Buckley-class destroyer escort during World War II
- was a United States Navy during World War II
- was a United States Navy four-master wooden schooner during World War II
- 155mm artillery, a common caliber
In sports
- The maximum possible score in a single break in snooker, with a free ball at the start of the break (147 is the highest possible without a free ball)
In transportation
In other fields
155 is also:
See also