Number: | 115 |
Divisor: | 1, 5, 23, 115 |
115 (one hundred [and] fifteen) is the natural number following 114 and preceding 116.
115 has a square sum of divisors:[1]
There are 115 different rooted trees with exactly eight nodes,[2] 115 inequivalent ways of placing six rooks on a 6 × 6 chess board in such a way that no two of the rooks attack each other,[3] and 115 solutions to the stamp folding problem for a strip of seven stamps.[4]
115 is also a heptagonal pyramidal number.[5] The 115th Woodall number,
115 ⋅ 2115-1=4 776 913 109 852 041 418 248 056 622 882 488 319,
115 is the atomic number of moscovium.
115 is the number of alleged Premier League FFP breaches by Manchester City.
Element 115 call of duty