112th Territorial Defense Brigade (Ukraine) explained

Unit Name:112th Independent Brigade of the Territorial Defense Forces
Dates:Spring 2018 - present
Country: Ukraine
Type:Military reserve force
Role:Light infantry
Branch:Armed Forces of Ukraine
Command Structure: Territorial Defense Forces
Native Name:Ukrainian: 112-та окрема бригада територіальної оборони

The 112th Independent Brigade of the Territorial Defense Forces (Ukrainian: 112-та окрема бригада територіальної оборони) is a military formation of the Territorial Defense Forces of Ukraine in Kyiv. It is part of Operational Command North.



On 20 December 2017, a meeting between military commissariats of Kyiv city, Kyiv Oblast and Operational Command North took place. Its purpose was to train staff regarding procedures for formation and organization of the brigade.[2]

In Spring 2018 the brigade was formed in Kyiv. Lieutenant Colonel Bilosvit Mykola became its first commander. Brigade needed a core of regular soldiers and 4,000 reservists aged 40–55 year old.[3] By November only 4.5% of needed contracts were signed with 30% needed by the end of the year. By the end of 2019 all 100% of positions needed to be filled.[4] From 11 to 15 June a rifle company of the 127th Territorial Defense Battalion held training exercises for reservists in Desnianskyi District.[5] [6] During 14–15 December 2018 a training exercise for officers of headquarters and battalions was held, where they planned defending Kyiv.[7] 6 larger districts of Kyiv had their own battalions, while the remaining 4 formed other units.[8]

During 14–19 April 2019 another larger scale training exercise for officers of headquarters and battalions was held, where they planned defending Kyiv. This exercise included more reserve officers.[9]

On 13 March 2021 Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko with his deputies took part in a training exercise at the Desna training center.[10]

On 18 May 2021 only 300 reservists had signed contracts with the Brigade. Over 3,000 were needed to fully staff brigade.[11] By October that number increased to 350 contract soldiers and close to 4,000 overall.[12] On 21 December another exercise took place and a number of 5,000 soldiers was announced. With a battalion being formed in every district.[13]

On 7 February 2022 Brigade already had 9 battalions and held large exercise with all of them.[14]

Russo-Ukrainian War

2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine

During first day of invasion, Brigade was fully filled with reservist, who manned hundreds of roadblocks.[15] On 27 February brigade had filled all available vacancies in all its battalions. Since there was abundance of volunteers, a decision was made to raise a new brigade in Kyiv.[16] On 14 April 2022 Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valerii Zaluzhnyi issued a decree that transformed 241st Territorial Defense Battalion into the headquarters of new 241st Brigade.[17] Battalions 130, 204, 205, 206, 207 were transferred to 241st Kyiv City Defense Brigade.

Brigade was active in Battle of Kyiv, Battle of Hostomel, Battle of Brovary, Battle of Moshchun, Battle of Bucha, Battle of Irpin, Capture of Chernobyl, 2022 Kharkiv counteroffensive, 2022 Kherson counteroffensive and Battle of Bakhmut.[18]

206th Territorial Defense Battalion was raised for defense of Kyiv and was equipped and financed by former president Petro Poroshenko. Deputies and supporters of European Solidarity party joined the battalion. During first week of fighting battalion took part in defense of Obolonskyi District during Battle of Kyiv. In following days fought in Battle of Hostomel and evacuated women and children during Battle of Irpin.[19]

207th Territorial Defense Battalion began forming in January and was formed on 27 February 2022. It was commanded by Yushko Viktor.[20]

On 2 April a special security company was raised for protection of critical infrastructure. During a military oath ceremony, Vitali Klitschko noted that 7 members of Kyiv City Council joined the company.[21]

On 6 June Mayor of Brovary Ihor Sapozhko announced that 250 soldiers took oath with the 55th special purpose battalion.[22]

128th Territorial Defense Battalion was deployed to Chuhuiv in May and remained there as of early August.[23]

244th Territorial Defense Battalion has been active since at least middle of July.[24]

On 29 August the brigade received its battle flag.[18]

In October the 11th Special Purpose Battalion was stationed near Pravdyne and later near Snihurivka. As of 03 April 2023 battalion was still in Kherson area.[25]

On 19 April 2023 Come Back Alive foundation announced that brigade received 3 pick-up trucks, radios, generators, Starlink terminals and other equipment for the "Long arms of TrO" project deigned to give 120 mm mortars to those units.[26]


In May 2021 the brigade's structure was:[11]

In Early 2022 the brigade's structure was:

As of April 2022 the brigade's structure is as follows:



Emblem shows a stylized bow with an arrow placed inside of golden circle, which was a part of Kyiv Regiment flag during the Cossack Hetmanate.[30]

See also

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Рішення Київської міської ради №5684/5724. Kyiv City Council. uk. 24 November 2022. 14 March 2023. Decision of the Kyiv City Council №5684/5724.
  2. Web site: У Києві відбулись заняття з порядку підготовки формування бригади територіальної оборони. pivnich.org.ua. uk. 20 December 2017. 15 March 2023. Classes were held in Kyiv on the procedure for training the formation of a territorial defense brigade. 14 January 2018. https://web.archive.org/web/20180114020636/http://pivnich.org.ua/news/359-u-kyievi-vidbulys-zaniattia-z-poriadku-pidgotovky-formuvannia-brygady-terytorialnoi-oborony.html.
  3. Web site: Служба за контрактом в резерві - важливий крок до NATO. Ukrinform. uk. 7 December 2018. 16 March 2023. Contract service in the reserve is an important step towards NATO.
  4. Web site: Baturin. Oleksii. Korolov. Yevheniia. Держать порох сухим. Готова ли украинская территориальная оборона к отражению российской агрессии. Focus. ru. 26 November 2018. 14 March 2023. Keep the powder dry. Is Ukrainian territorial defense ready to repel Russian aggression?.
  5. Web site: Підготовка до великої війни: відбуваються навчання тероборони по всій Україні. mil.in.ua. uk. 15 March 2023. Preparation for a major war: ground defense exercises are taking place all over Ukraine. 15 July 2018. https://web.archive.org/web/20180715081547/https://mil.in.ua/pidhotovka-do-velykoyi-viyny-vidbuvayutsya-navchannya-teroborony-po-vsiy-ukrayini/amp/.
  6. Web site: У підрозділі бригади територіальної оборони міста Києва розпочались навчальні збори. ukrmilitary.com. uk. 12 June 2018. 15 March 2023. Training sessions have started in the division of the Territorial Defense Brigade of the city of Kyiv.
  7. Web site: Ohorodnyk. Serhii. Тероборона Києва: як офіцери 112-ї бригади навчалися планувати оборону столиці. РЕПОРТАЖ. novynarnia.com. uk. 17 December 2018. 15 March 2023. Teroborona Kyiv: how the officers of the 112th brigade learned to plan the defense of the capital. REPORTAGE.
  8. Web site: Ohorodnyk. Serhii. Тероборона Києва: легка піхота "не виходячи з дому". kv.hromady.com.ua. uk. 6 December 2018. 14 March 2023. Teroborona of Kyiv: light infantry "without leaving home". 17 April 2019. https://web.archive.org/web/20190417201508/https://kv.hromady.com.ua/2018/12/06/teroborona-kyyeva-legka-pihota-ne-vyhodyachy-z-domu/.
  9. Web site: Командування бригади ТрО плануватиме оборону Києва. ukrmilitary.com. uk. 14 April 2019. 15 March 2023. The command of the TrO brigade will plan the defense of Kyiv.
  10. Web site: Віталій Кличко разом із своїми заступниками та главами столичних районів взяли участь у навчаннях з територіальної оборони (+фото, відео). Kyiv City Council. uk. 13 March 2021. 14 March 2023. Vitaliy Klitschko, together with his deputies and heads of capital districts, took part in exercises on territorial defense (+photo, video).
  11. Web site: Zadubinnyi. Andriy. Як стати резервістом у Києві?. ArmyInform. uk. 18 May 2021. 14 March 2023. How to become a reservist in Kyiv?.
  12. Web site: У Києві провели навчання оборонного резерву та до Дня територіальної оборони нагородили 47 резервістів та військовослужбовців (+фото). Kyiv City Council. uk. 2 October 2021. 14 March 2023. Training of the defense reserve was held in Kyiv and 47 reservists and servicemen were awarded for the Day of Territorial Defense (+photo).
  13. Web site: Rybalka. Hanna. Volosov. Artur. У хід пішли шашки та шумові гранати: як у Києві відбулися тренування бійців тероборони – сюжет. 5 Kanal. uk. 21 December 2021. 15 March 2023. Checkers and stun grenades went into action: how the training of Terrodefense fighters took place in Kyiv - the story.
  14. Web site: Уперше в Києві провели навчання повного складу 112 бригади територіальної оборони, участь у яких одночасно взяли 9 батальйонів (+фото). Kyiv City Council. uk. 7 February 2022. 14 March 2023. For the first time in Kyiv, the full staff of the 112th Territorial Defense Brigade was trained, in which 9 battalions simultaneously took part (+photo).
  15. Web site: Obraztsov. Anastasia. Servatynskyi. Elisaveta. "Звернення до всіх киян: довіряйте ЗСУ" — як працює тероборона в Києві. Фоторепортаж. Suspilne. uk. 30 March 2022. 14 March 2023. "Appeal to all Kyivans: trust the Armed Forces" — how the anti-terrorist operation works in Kyiv. Photo report.
  16. Web site: Кількість бажаючих зашкалює: у столичній бригаді ТрО закінчилися місця, буде сформована ще одна. 5 Kanal. uk. 27 February 2022. 15 March 2023. The number of applicants is staggering: there are no more places in the capital's TrO brigade, another one will be formed.
  17. Web site: Halukh . Oleksandr . Сьогодні виповнюється рік від дня створення 241-ї бригади тероборони Києва . . uk . 14 April 2023 . 20 April 2023 . Today marks one year since the creation of the 241st Brigade of Territorial Defense of Kyiv.
  18. Web site: 112-та бригада Сил ТрО отримала Бойовий прапор. ArmyInform. uk. 29 August 2022. 14 March 2023. 112th Brigade of Territorial Defense received its Battle flag.
  19. Web site: В оточенні окупантів: 206-й батальйон тероборони Києва, створений на базі "Європейської Солідарності", врятував мешканців Ірпеня. 5 Kanal. uk. 3 March 2022. 15 March 2023. Surrounded by the occupiers: the 206th battalion of Kyiv's terror defense, created on the basis of "European Solidarity", saved the residents of Irpen.
  20. Web site: Tereverko. Oleksandr. Для ворога — "головний каратель", для підлеглих — дбайливий командир. АрміяInform. uk. 27 February 2023. 7 March 2023. For the enemy - the "chief punisher", for subordinates - a caring commander.
  21. Web site: Віталій Кличко: У Києві сформували окрему охоронну роту для захисту об‘єктів критичної інфраструктури. Сьогодні її бійці прийняли присягу (+фото, відео). Kyiv City Council. uk. 2 April 2022. 14 March 2023. Vitaliy Klitschko: A separate security company was formed in Kyiv to protect critical infrastructure facilities. Today, its fighters took the oath (+photo, video).
  22. Web site: Zlatska. Veronika. В Броварах склали присягу 250 військовослужбовців 55-го окремого батальйону. kievvlast.com.ua. uk. 6 June 2022. 20 April 2023. 250 servicemen of the 55th separate battalion took the oath in Brovary.
  23. Web site: Berman. Lazar. In town with uncertain loyalties, confident Ukrainian troops face down Russian fire. The Times of Israel. 2 August 2022. 15 March 2023.
  24. Web site: На передовій і в тилу: як український бізнес наближає нашу перемогу. 24 Kanal. uk. 19 July 2022. 16 March 2023. On the front lines and in the rear: how Ukrainian business brings our victory closer).
  25. Web site: Samokhvalov. Lana. Олександр Посітко, командир батальйону 112 бригади. Ukrinform. uk. 3 April 2023. 1 June 2023. Oleksandr Positko, battalion commander of the 112th brigade.
  26. Web site: "Повернись живим" оснастив мінометників для трьох бригад ТрО. mil.in.ua/. uk. 19 April 2023. 20 April 2023. "Come Back Alive" equipped mortar units for three brigades of the TrO.
  27. Web site: Shchyhol. Iryna. Гендерний квест "You're in the Army now". ArmyInform. uk. 16 March 2020. 7 March 2023. Gender quest "You're in the Army now".
  28. Web site: Serediuk. Lidiia. Chebotarov. Mykola. Трофейні гільзи і уламки робочих ракет: скільки коштів вдалося зібрати на благодійному аукціоні. 5 Kanal. uk. 7 March 2023. 16 March 2023. Trophy casings and fragments of working rockets: how much money was collected at the charity auction.
  29. Web site: Розпочато облаштування першого пункту постійного розташування 112-ої бригади територіальної оборони Києва. Kyiv City Council. uk. 7 December 2021. 14 March 2023. Arrangement of the first point of permanent location of the 112th territorial defense brigade of Kyiv has begun.
  30. Web site: Zahrebelnyi. Volodymyr. Затверджено нарукавні емблеми для окремих бригад тероборони. ArmyInform. uk. 16 September 2021. 14 March 2023. Sleeve emblems for individual Teroborona brigades have been approved.