10th Politburo Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party explained

The 10th Politburo Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, formally the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the 10th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, was elected by the 1st Plenary Session of the 10th Central Committee in 1973, in the aftermath of the 10th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It was preceded by the CCP's 9th Politburo Standing Committee and was succeeded by the 11th in 1977.


1st Plenary Session (1973–1975)

! scope=col colspan="2"
Officeholderscope=col Hanziscope=col 9th PSCscope=col 2nd PLEscope=col scope=col scope=col scope=col scope=col scope=col class="unsortable"
1Mao Zedongdata-sort-value="4" 毛泽东bgcolor = Salmon bgcolor = LightGreen 189319211976Hunan[1]
2Zhou Enlaidata-sort-value="128" 周恩来bgcolor = Salmon bgcolor = LightGreen 189819211976Jiangsu[2]
3Wang Hongwendata-sort-value="15" 王洪文bgcolor = LightGreen bgcolor = LightGreen 193519511992Jilin[3]
4Kang Shengdata-sort-value="160" 康生bgcolor = Salmon bgcolor = LightGreen 189819251975Shandong[4]
5Ye Jianyingdata-sort-value="38" 叶剑英bgcolor = LightGreen bgcolor = LightGreen 189719271986Guangdong[5]
6Li Deshengdata-sort-value="90" 李德生bgcolor = LightGreen bgcolor = ffffbb 191619322011Henan[6]
7Zhu Dedata-sort-value="53" 朱德bgcolor = LightPink bgcolor = LightGreen 188619251976Sichuan[7]
8Zhang Chunqiaodata-sort-value="112" 张春桥bgcolor = LightGreen bgcolor = LightGreen 191719382005Shandong[8]
9Dong Biwudata-sort-value="172" 董必武bgcolor = LightGreen bgcolor = LightGreen 188619211975Hubei[9]

2nd Plenary Session (1975–1977)

! scope=col colspan="2"
Officeholderscope=col Hanziscope=col 1st PLEscope=col 3rd PLEscope=col scope=col scope=col scope=col scope=col scope=col class="unsortable"
1Mao Zedongdata-sort-value="4" 毛泽东bgcolor = Salmon bgcolor = LightYellow 189319211976Hunan province
2Hua Guofengdata-sort-value="59" 华国锋bgcolor = LightGreen bgcolor = LightGreen 192119382008Shanxi[10]
3Zhou Enlaidata-sort-value="128" 周恩来bgcolor = Salmon bgcolor = LightYellow 189819211976Jiangsu
4Wang Hongwendata-sort-value="15" 王洪文bgcolor = Salmon bgcolor = Thistle 193519511992Jilin
5Kang Shengdata-sort-value="160" 康生bgcolor = Salmon bgcolor = LightYellow 189819251975Shandong
6Ye Jianyingdata-sort-value="38" 叶剑英bgcolor = Salmon bgcolor = LightGreen 189719271986Guangdong
7Zhu Dedata-sort-value="53" 朱德bgcolor = Salmon bgcolor = LightYellow 188619251976Sichuan
8Dong Biwudata-sort-value="172" 董必武bgcolor = Salmon bgcolor = LightYellow 188619211975Hubei
9Zhang Chunqiaodata-sort-value="112" 张春桥bgcolor = Salmon bgcolor = Thistle 191719382005Shandong
10Deng Xiaopingdata-sort-value="25" 邓小平bgcolor = LightPink bgcolor = LavenderBlush 190419241997Sichuan[11]

3rd Plenary Session (July–August 1977)

! scope=col colspan="2"
Officeholderscope=col Hanziscope=col 3rd PLEscope=col 12th PSCscope=col scope=col scope=col scope=col scope=col scope=col class="unsortable"
1Hua Guofengdata-sort-value="59" 华国锋bgcolor = Salmon bgcolor = LightGreen 192119382008Shanxi
2Ye Jianyingdata-sort-value="38" 叶剑英bgcolor = Salmon bgcolor = LightGreen 189719271986Guangdong
3Deng Xiaopingdata-sort-value="25" 邓小平bgcolor = LightPink bgcolor = LightGreen 190419241997Sichuan

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Schram, Stuart Reynolds . Mao Zedong . . 26 July 2023 . 26 July 2023 . https://archive.today/20230726162545/https://www.britannica.com/biography/Mao-Zedong .
  2. Web site: Zhou Enlai . . 26 July 2023 . 26 July 2023 . https://archive.today/20230726162637/https://www.britannica.com/biography/Zhou-Enlai .
  3. Web site: 王洪文 . Wang Hongwen . . 21 October 2008 . 26 July 2023 . 26 July 2023 . https://archive.today/20230726162819/https://www.gov.cn/gjjg/2008-10/21/content_1126436.htm . Chinese .
  4. Web site: Kang Sheng . . 25 July 2023 . 26 July 2023 . https://archive.today/20230726163011/https://www.britannica.com/biography/Kang-Sheng .
  5. Web site: Ye Jianying . . 26 July 2023 . 26 July 2023 . https://archive.today/20230726083620/https://www.britannica.com/biography/Ye-Jianying .
  6. Web site: 中共中央原副主席李德生逝世 . Li Desheng, former vice chairman of the CPC Central Committee . . 9 May 2011 . 26 July 2023 . 26 July 2023 . https://archive.today/20230726163447/http://news.sina.com.cn/o/2011-05-09/061622428892.shtml . Chinese .
  7. Web site: Zhu De . . 26 July 2023 . 26 July 2023 . https://archive.today/20230726163323/https://www.britannica.com/biography/Zhu-De .
  8. Web site: 张春桥 . Zhang Chunqiao . . 16 October 2008 . 26 July 2023 . 26 July 2023 . https://archive.today/20230726163623/https://www.gov.cn/gjjg/2008-10/16/content_1122732.htm . Chinese .
  9. Web site: 董必武(1886—1975). Dong Biwu(1886—1975) . . 26 July 2023 . 26 July 2023 . https://archive.today/20230726163744/http://www.cppcc.gov.cn/2011/09/28/ARTI1317197421328329.shtml .
  10. Web site: Hua Guofeng . . 26 July 2023 . 26 July 2023 . https://archive.today/20230726135641/https://www.britannica.com/biography/Hua-Guofeng .
  11. Web site: Deng Xiaoping . . 26 July 2023 . 26 July 2023 . https://archive.today/20230726083941/https://www.britannica.com/biography/Deng-Xiaoping .