100 metres explained

Event:100 metres
Image Upright:1.25

The 100 metres, or 100-meter dash, is a sprint race in track and field competitions. The shortest common outdoor running distance, the 100m (300feet) dash is one of the most popular and prestigious events in the sport of athletics. It has been contested at the Summer Olympics since 1896 for men and since 1928 for women. The inaugural World Championships were in 1983.

On an outdoor 400-metre running track, the 100 m is held on the home straight, with the start usually being set on an extension to make it a straight-line race. There are three instructions given to the runners immediately before and at the beginning of the race: "on your marks", "set", and the firing of the starter's pistol. The runners move to the starting blocks when they hear the 'on your marks' instruction. The following instruction, to adopt the 'set' position, allows them to adopt a more efficient starting posture and isometrically preload their muscles: this will help them to start faster. A race-official then fires the starter's pistol to signal the race beginning and the sprinters stride forwards from the blocks. Sprinters typically reach top speed after somewhere between 50 and 60 m. Their speed then slows towards the finish line.

The 10-second barrier has historically been a barometer of fast men's performances, while the best female sprinters take eleven seconds or less to complete the race. The men's world record is 9.58 seconds, set by Jamaica's Usain Bolt in 2009, while the women's world record is 10.49 seconds, set by American Florence Griffith-Joyner in 1988.

The unofficial "world's fastest man" title typically goes to the Olympic 100 metre champion.[1] The 200 metre time almost always yields a "faster" average speed than a 100-metre race time, since the initial slow speed at the start is spread out over the longer distance.[2] The current men's Olympic and world champion is Noah Lyles, while the current women's Olympic champion is Julien Alfred, and the world champion is Sha'Carri Richardson.

Race dynamics


At the start, some athletes play psychological games such as trying to be last to the starting blocks.[3] [4] [5]

At high level meets, the time between the gun and first kick against the starting block is measured electronically, via sensors built in the gun and the blocks. A reaction time less than 0.100 s is considered a false start. This time interval accounts for the sum of the time it takes for the sound of the starter's pistol to reach the runners' ears, and the time they take to react to it.

For many years a sprinter was disqualified if responsible for two false starts individually. However, this rule allowed some major races to be restarted so many times that the sprinters started to lose focus. The next iteration of the rule, introduced in February 2003, meant that one false start was allowed among the field, but anyone responsible for a subsequent false start was disqualified.

This rule led to some sprinters deliberately false-starting to gain a psychological advantage: an individual with a slower reaction time might false-start, forcing the faster starters to wait and be sure of hearing the gun for the subsequent start, thereby losing some of their advantage. To avoid such abuse and to improve spectator enjoyment, the IAAF implemented a further change in the 2010 season – a false starting athlete now receives immediate disqualification.[6] This proposal was met with objections when first raised in 2005, on the grounds that it would not leave any room for innocent mistakes. Justin Gatlin commented, "Just a flinch or a leg cramp could cost you a year's worth of work."[7] The rule had a dramatic impact at the 2011 World Championships, when current world record holder Usain Bolt was disqualified.[8] [9]


Runners usually reach their top speed just past the halfway point of the race and progressively decelerate to the finish. Maintaining that top speed for as long as possible is a primary focus of training for the 100 m.[10] Pacing and running tactics do not play a significant role in the 100 m, as success in the event depends more on pure athletic qualities and technique.


The winner, by IAAF Competition Rules, is determined by the first athlete with their torso (not including limbs, head, or neck) over the nearer edge of the finish line.[11] There is therefore no requirement for the entire body to cross the finish line. When the placing of the athletes is not obvious, a photo finish is used to distinguish which runner was first to cross the line.

Climatic conditions

See also: Wind assistance.

Climatic conditions, in particular air resistance, can affect performances in the 100 m. A strong head wind is very detrimental to performance, while a tail wind can improve performances significantly. For this reason, a maximum tail wind of 2m/s is allowed for a 100 m performance to be considered eligible for records, or "wind legal".

Furthermore, sprint athletes perform a better run at high altitudes because of the thinner air, which provides less air resistance. In theory, the thinner air would also make breathing slightly more difficult (due to the partial pressure of oxygen being lower), but this difference is negligible for sprint distances where all the oxygen needed for the short dash is already in the muscles and bloodstream when the race starts. While there are no limitations on altitude, performances made at altitudes greater than 1000 m above sea level are marked with an "A".[12]

10-second and 11-second barriers

See main article: 10-second barrier. The 10-second mark had been widely considered a barrier for the 100 metres in men's sprinting. The first man to break the 10 second barrier with automatic timing was Jim Hines at the 1968 Summer Olympics. Since then, over 190 sprinters have run faster than 10 seconds. Similarly, 11 seconds is considered the standard for female athletes. The first woman to go under 11 seconds was Marlies Göhr in 1977.

Record performances

Major 100 m races, such as at the Olympic Games, attract much attention, particularly when the world record is thought to be within reach.

The men's world record has been improved upon twelve times since electronic timing became mandatory in 1977.[13] The current men's world record of 9.58 s is held by Usain Bolt of Jamaica, set at the 2009 World Athletics Championships final in Berlin, Germany on 16 August 2009, breaking his own previous world record by 0.11 s.[14] The current women's world record of 10.49 s was set by Florence Griffith-Joyner of the US, at the 1988 United States Olympic Trials in Indianapolis, Indiana, on 16 July 1988[15] breaking Evelyn Ashford's four-year-old world record by 0.27 seconds. The extraordinary nature of this result and those of several other sprinters in this race raised the possibility of a technical malfunction with the wind gauge which read at 0.0 m/s – a reading which was at complete odds to the windy conditions on the day with high wind speeds being recorded in all other sprints before and after this race as well as the parallel long jump runway at the time of the Griffith-Joyner performance. The next best wind legal performance is Elaine Thompson-Herah's 10.54 second clocking in 2021 at the Prefontaine Classic. Griffith-Joyner's next best legal performance of 10.61 from 1988, would have her third on the all-time list behind Thompson-Herah and Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce (10.60).[16]

Some records have been marred by prohibited drug use – in particular, the scandal at the 1988 Summer Olympics when the winner, Canadian Ben Johnson was stripped of his medal and world record.

Jim Hines, Ronnie Ray Smith and Charles Greene were the first to break the 10-second barrier in the 100 m, all on 20 June 1968, the Night of Speed. Hines also recorded the first legal electronically timed sub-10 second 100 m in winning the 100 metres at the 1968 Olympics. Bob Hayes ran a wind-assisted 9.91 seconds at the 1964 Olympics.

Continental records

Updated 29 July 2023[17]

Time (s)Wind (m/s)SeasonAthleteNationTime (s)Wind (m/s)SeasonAthleteNation
9.77 +1.2 2021 Ferdinand Omanyala10.72 +1.4 2022 Marie-Josée Ta Lou
9.83 +0.9 2021 10.79 0.0 1997
9.80 +0.1 2021 10.73 +2.0 1998
9.58 +0.9 2009 10.49 0.0 1988
9.93 +1.8 2003 10.96 +2.0 2023
9.89 +0.82023 10.91 −0.2 2017


All-time top 25 men

See also: 10-second barrier and Men's 100 metres world record progression. [18] [19]

Time (s) Wind (m/s) Reaction (s) Athlete Nation Date Place
1 1 9.58 +0.9 0.146 16 August 2009 [20] [21]
2 9.63 +1.5 0.165 Bolt #2 5 August 2012 [22]
3 9.69 ±0.0 0.165 Bolt #3 16 August 2008
2 4 9.69 +2.0 0.178 20 September 2009 [23] [24]
−0.1 0.142 23 August 2012 [25] [26]
6 9.71 +0.9 0.144 Gay #2 16 August 2009
7 9.72 +1.7 0.157 Bolt #4 31 May 2008 [27]
4 7 9.72 +0.2 2 September 2008 [28]
9 9.74 +1.7 0.137 Powell #2 9 September 2007 [29]
5 9 9.74 +0.9 0.161 15 May 2015 [30] [31]
11 9.75 +1.1 Blake #2 29 June 2012
+1.5 0.179 Blake #3 5 August 2012
+0.9 0.164 Gatlin #2 4 June 2015 [32]
+1.4 0.154 Gatlin #3 9 July 2015 [33]
15 9.76 +1.8 Bolt #5 3 May 2008
+1.3 0.154 Bolt #6 16 September 2011 [34]
−0.1 0.152 Bolt #7 31 May 2012 [35]
+1.4 0.146 Blake #4 30 August 2012 [36]
6 15 9.76 +0.6 0.128 28 September 2019 [37]
9.76 +1.2 18 September 2021 [38]
9.76+1.4Fred Kerley24 June 2022Eugene[39]
22 9.77 +1.6 0.150 Powell #3 14 June 2005
+1.5 0.145 Powell #4 11 June 2006
+1.0 0.148 Powell #5 18 August 2006
+1.0 Gay #3 28 June 2008
−1.3 Bolt #8 5 September 2008
+0.9 Powell #6 7 September 2008
+0.4 Gay #4 10 July 2009
−0.3 0.163 Bolt #9 11 August 2013 [40]
+0.6 0.178 Gatlin #4 5 September 2014 [41]
+0.9 0.153 Gatlin #5 23 August 2015 [42]
+1.5 Bromell #2 5 June 2021
9 22 9.77 +1.2 18 September 2021
229.77+1.8Kerley #224 June 2022Eugene[43]
9 22 9.77 +0.9 28 June 2024 [44]
11 9.78 +0.9 29 August 2010 [45]
12 9.79 +0.1 16 June 1999 [46]
+1.0 0.178 4 August 2024 [47]
149.80 +1.3 4 June 2011 [48]
+0.1 1 August 2021 [49]
16 9.81 +0.7 0.146 4 August 2024 [50]
17 9.82 +1.7 21 June 2014 [51]
+1.0 0.149 4 August 2024 [52]
19 9.83 +0.9 1 August 2021
+0.9 1 August 2021
+1.30.150Zharnel Hughes24 June 2023New York City[53]
22 9.84 +0.7 27 July 1996
+0.2 22 August 1999
24 9.85 +1.2 6 July 1994 [54]
+1.7 12 May 2006
+1.3 4 June 2011
+1.5 5 June 2021 [55]

Assisted marks

Any performance with a following wind of more than 2.0 metres per second is not counted for record purposes. Below is a list of wind-assisted times (equal or superior to 9.80). Only times that are superior to legal bests are shown:

Annulled marks

All-time top 25 women

See also: Women's 100 metres world record progression. [63] [64]

Time (s) Wind (m/s) Reaction (s) Athlete Nation Date Place
1 1 10.49 ±0.0 16 July 1988
2 2 10.54 +0.9 0.150 21 August 2021 [65]
3310.60+1.70.151Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce26 August 2021Lausanne[66] [67]
4 10.61 +1.2 0.12 Griffith-Joyner #217 July 1988 [68]
−0.6 0.150 Thompson-Herah #231 July 2021 Tokyo[69]
6 10.62 +1.0 0.107 Griffith-Joyner #3 24 September 1988 [70]
+0.4 0.134 Fraser-Pryce #2 10 August 2022 [71]
8 10.63 +1.3 Fraser-Pryce #3 5 June 2021 Kingston[72] [73]
4 9 10.64 +1.2 0.150 Carmelita Jeter20 September 2009 [74]
910.64+1.70.154Thompson-Herah #326 August 2021Lausanne
5 11 10.65 +1.1 0.183 Marion Jones12 September 1998 [75]
11 10.65 +0.6 0.139 Thompson-Herah #4 9 September 2021 Zürich[76]
−0.80.159Fraser-Pryce #48 September 2022Zürich[77] [78]
61110.65+1.0Shericka Jackson7 July 2023Kingston[79]
−0.20.15621 August 2023 Budapest[80]
1610.66+0.50.152Fraser-Pryce #56 August 2022Chorzów[81] [82]
17 10.67 −0.1 0.145 Jeter #2 13 September 2009 [83]
10.67−0.4Fraser-Pryce #67 May 2022Nairobi[84] [85]
10.67 +0.5 0.137 Fraser-Pryce #718 June 2022 Paris[86] [87]
+0.80.137Fraser-Pryce #817 July 2022Eugene[88]
+1.30.139Fraser-Pryce #98 August 2022Székesfehérvár[89] [90]
22 10.70 +1.6 Griffith-Joyner #4 17 July 1988 Indianapolis
−0.1 0.120 Jones #222 August 1999 [91]
+2.0 0.188 Jeter #34 June 2011 [92]
+0.6 Fraser-Pryce #1029 June 2012 [93]
+0.3 Thompson-Herah #51 July 2016 [94]
+1.1 Fraser-Pryce #1123 June 2022 [95]
+0.8 0.190 Jackson #216 September 2023 [96]
810.72+0.4 Marie-Josée Ta Lou10 August 2022 [97]
−0.10.144Julien Alfred3 August 2024Saint-Denis[98]
10 10.73 +2.0 19 August 1998
11 10.74 +1.3 Merlene Ottey7 September 1996
+1.0 English Gardner3 July 2016 Eugene[99]
13 10.75 +0.4 Kerron Stewart10 July 2009
14 10.76 +1.7 Evelyn Ashford22 August 1984
+1.1 Veronica Campbell-Brown31 May 2011
1610.77 +0.9 Irina Privalova6 July 1994
+0.7 Ivet Lalova19 June 2004
+1.6Jacious Sears13 April 2024Gainesville[100]
19 10.78+1.0 Dawn Sowell3 June 1989
10.78 +1.8 Torri Edwards28 June 2008
+1.6 Murielle Ahouré11 June 2016 Montverde[101]
+1.0 Tianna Bartoletta3 July 2016
+1.0 Tori Bowie3 July 2016
24 10.79 ±0.0 Li Xuemei18 October 1997
−0.1 Inger Miller22 August 1999
+1.1 Blessing Okagbare27 July 2013

Assisted marks

Any performance with a following wind of more than 2.0 metres per second is not counted for record purposes. Below is a list of wind-assisted times (equal or superior to 10.75). Only times that are superior to legal bests are shown:


Season's bests


YearTime AthletePlace
19749.9Los Angeles
10.07Colorado Springs
197910.01Mexico City
19839.93Colorado Springs
19909.96Villeneuve d'Ascq
20209.86Fort Worth
20239.83New York City


YearTime AthletePlace
198110.90Colorado Springs
198310.79Colorado Springs

Top 25 junior (under-20) men


RankTimeWind (m/s)AthleteNationDatePlaceAgeRef
19.89+0.8Issamade Asinga28 July 2023São Paulo[103]
29.91 +0.8 2 August 2022 [104]
39.93+1.6Christian Miller20 April 2024Clermont[105]
49.97 +1.8 13 June 2014 [106]
59.99 +0.3 29 March 2023 [107]
610.00 +1.6 5 July 2014
710.01 0.0 24 August 2003
+1.6 28 June 2008
+0.9 28 April 2013 [108]
10.01 +1.9Renan Gallina19 May 2023Bogotá[109]
1110.03 +0.7 31 July 2009
+1.7 19 May 2019 [110]
+0.6 27 May 2022 [111]
1410.04 +1.7 D'Angelo Cherry10 June 2009
+0.2 24 July 2009
+1.9 15 April 2016 [112]
−0.1 16 April 2022 Gainesville[113]
1810.05Davidson Ezinwa3 January 1990Bauchi
+0.1 11 July 2012
+0.6 24 June 2017 [114]
−0.6 4 August 2017 [115]
2110.060.0 26 April 1997
+2.0 25 July 1997
+1.5 27 May 2005
+0.8Shaun Maswanganyi14 March 2020Pretoria[116]
+1.1He Jinxian29 June 2024Rizhao[117]


Below is a list of all other legal times equal or superior to 10.06:

Top 25 junior (under-20) women


RankTimeWind (m/s)AthleteNationDatePlaceAgeRef
110.75 +1.6 8 June 2019 [123]
210.83 +0.6 30 July 2022 [124]
310.88 +2.0 1 July 1977
410.89+1.8 20 July 1988
+0.9 3 June 2023 [125]
610.92 +1.0 29 March 2023
710.95 −0.1 3 August 2022 [126]
810.97 +1.2 5 June 2021 [127]
10.97 +1.6 30 April 2022 [128]
1010.98 +2.0 20 June 2015 [129]
1110.99 +0.9 22 July 2015 [130]
+1.7 21 April 2018 [131]
1311.00+1.5Mia Brahe-Pedersen27 May 2023Eugene[132]
1411.02 +1.8 12 May 2018
1511.03 +1.7 8 June 1983
+0.6 14 May 2011
1711.04 +1.4 5 June 1999
+1.6 8 June 2019 [133]
1911.06 +0.9 24 June 2017 [134]
2011.07 +0.7 27 June 2008
2111.08 +2.0 21 June 1976
2211.0914 April 1984
+1.6 27 May 2021
11.09 +0.1 2 August 2022 [135]
2511.10+0.9 5 July 2014
+1.6 27 January 2024 [136]


Below is a list of all other legal times equal or superior to 11.10:

Top 25 Youth (under-18) boys


RankTimeWind (m/s)AthleteCountryDatePlaceAgeRef
110.06+2.0Christian Miller8 July 2023Eugene[138]
+1.4Puripol Boonson30 September 2023Hangzhou[139]
310.15 +2.0 31 March 2017 [140]
410.16 −0.3 23 May 2021 [141]
510.19 +0.5 Yoshihide Kiryu3 November 2012
610.20 +1.4 15 June 2014
+1.5 Tlotliso Leotlela7 September 2015 [142]
+2.0 23 March 2018 [143]
910.22 +1.0 14 May 2016
1010.23 +0.8 Tamunosiki Atorudibo23 March 2002
+1.2 Rynell Parson21 June 2007
1210.24 0.0 14 April 2001
1310.25 +1.5 J-Mee Samuels11 July 2004
+1.6 Jeff Demps1 August 2007
+0.9 5 March 2016 [144]
1610.26+1.2 21 July 1994
−0.1 Sunday Emmanuel18 March 1995
+0.6 24 June 2023 [145]
1910.27 +0.2 19 May 1984
+1.6 30 June 1990
+1.0 8 June 2002
−0.2 23 April 2011
+1.9 20 April 2014
+1.3 16 July 2021 [146]
+0.8 29 October 2022


Below is a list of all other legal times equal or superior to 10.20:

Top 20 Youth (under-18) girls


Rank Time Wind (m/s) Athlete Nation Date Place Age Ref
110.98 +2.0 20 June 2015
211.02 +0.8 8 June 2019
311.09 −0.6 19 August 2021
411.10 +0.9 5 July 2014 [148]
511.11+1.7Adaejah Hodge29 April 2023Lubbock[149]
611.13 +2.0 21 June 1976
+1.6 9 June 2018
811.14 +1.7 6 June 1992
−0.5 21 June 1997
1011.15 −0.1Shawnti Jackson3 August 2022Cali[150]
1111.16 +1.2 22 June 2006
+0.9 23 March 2018
+1.2 6 April 2022 [151]
1411.17 +0.6 3 July 1983
1511.19 0.0 16 July 2015
1611.20 +1.2 15 October 1968
1711.22 +1.2 6 April 2022
11.22 +0.2 31 March 2022
11.22 +0.5 21 March 2024 [152]
2011.24+1.2 22 June 2006
+0.8 31 May 2010


Below is a list of all other legal times equal or superior to 11.24:

100 metres per age category

The best performances by 5- to 19-year-old athletes


Age Time Wind (m/s) Athlete Date Place Age Ref
5 15.93 −2.1 Kai Sapp 8 June 2019
614.30 +1.7 Willie Washington 24 July 2010
713.46 −1.7 6 August 2011
812.80 +0.5 29 July 2012
912.45 +1.1 3 August 2013
1012.06 −0.4 Nyckoles Harbor 8 June 2016
1111.86 +0.1 25 June 2017
12 11.16 +2.0 4 October 1998
13 10.82 +1.2 10 July 1998
1410.51 −0.7 31 March 2017
1510.20 +2.0 23 March 2018
16 10.09 +0.7 2 August 2022[157]
17 10.01 +2.0 29 April 2013
189.97 +1.8 13 June 2014
199.84 +1.3 25 June 2015


Age Time Wind (m/s) Athlete Date Place Age
5 16.12 +1.6 Micahlena Cotton 9 July 2016
614.89 0.0 Stacey Onyepunuka 6 July 2013
713.97 −0.4 Payton Payne 25 July 2015
813.55 +1.5 Kharisma Watkins 1 June 2019
912.67 +1.7 9 July 2017
1012.15 +0.5 26 July 2018
1111.75 +1.6 28 July 2019
12 11.75 +1.6 28 July 2019
13 11.54 −1.2 27 May 2018
1411.27 +1.4 29 March 2019
1511.13 +1.7 17 March 2018
+1.6 Tamari Davis 9 June 2018
16 10.98 +2.0 Candace Hill 20 June 2015
17 10.94 +0.6 21 June 2019
1810.89 +1.8 20 July 1988
1910.75 +1.3 8 June 2019

Para world records men

Updated July 2023[158]

ClassTimeWind (m/s)AthleteNationalityDatePlaceRef
T1110.82+1.2Athanasios Ghavelas2 September 2021Tokyo[159]
T1210.37+0.8Salum Ageze Kashafali15 June 2023Oslo[160]
T1310.46+0.6Jason Smyth1 September 2012London
T3223.250.0Martin McDonagh13 August 1999Nottingham
T3316.46+1.3Ahmad Almutairi12 May 2015Doha
+1.03 June 2017Nottwil
T3414.46+0.6Walid Ktila1 June 2019Arbon
T3511.390.0Dmitrii Safronov30 August 2021Tokyo[161]
T3611.72+0.7James Turner10 November 2019Dubai
T3710.95+0.3Nick Mayhugh27 August 2021Tokyo[162]
T3810.74−0.3Hu Jianwen13 September 2016Rio de Janeiro[163]
T4212.04–0.5Anton Prokhorov30 August 2021Tokyo[164]
T4411.00+1.1Mpumelelo Mhlongo11 November 2019Dubai
T4510.94+0.2Yohansson Nascimento6 September 2012London
T46/4710.29+1.8Petrucio Ferreira dos Santos31 March 2022São Paulo
T5119.32+1.2Roger Habsch18 May 2023Arbon[165]
T5216.41+0.2Raymond Martin30 May 2019Arbon
T5314.10+0.7Brent Lakatos27 May 2017Arbon
T5413.63+1.0Leo-Pekka Tähti1 September 2012London
13.63–0.9Athiwat Paeng-nuea15 July 2023Paris
T6112.73+0.9Ali Lacin3 July 2020Berlin
T6210.54+1.6Johannes Floors10 November 2019Dubai
T6311.95+1.9Vinicius Goncalves Rodrigues25 April 2019São Paulo
T6410.61+1.4Richard Browne29 October 2015Doha

Para world records women

Updated May 2024[166]

ClassificationTimeWind (m/s)AthleteNationalityDatePlaceRef
T1111.83−0.4Jerusa Geber Santos25 March 2023São Paulo[167]
T1211.40+0.2Omara Durand9 September 2016Rio de Janeiro[168]
T1311.79+0.5Leilia Adzhametova11 September 2016Rio de Janeiro[169]
T3217.670.0Lindsay Wright25 July 1997Nottingham
T3319.89+0.3Shelby Watson26 May 2016Nottwil
T3416.31+1.1Hannah Cockroft27 May 2023Nottwil[170]
T3513.00+1.2Zhou Xia27 August 2021Tokyo[171]
T3613.41+0.8Danielle Aitchison15 March 2024Wellington[172]
T3712.82+1.0Karen Palomeque13 July 2023Paris[173]
T3812.38+1.0Sophie Hahn12 November 2019Dubai
+0.428 August 2021Tokyo[174]
T4214.64+2.0Karisma Evi Tiarani27 May 2022Nottwil[175]
T4312.80+1.0Marlou van Rhijn29 October 2015Doha[176]
T4412.72+0.5Irmgard Bensusan24 May 2019Nottwil[177]
12.72+1.8Irmgard Bensusan21 June 2019Leverkusen
T4514.000.0Giselle Cole2 June 1980Arnhem
T46/4711.89−0.2Brittni Mason12 November 2019Dubai[178]
T5124.69−0.8Cassie Mitchell2 July 2016Charlotte
T5218.33+1.3Tanja Henseler27 May 2023Nottwil[179]
T5315.25+1.2Catherine Debrunner27 May 2023Nottwil[180]
T5415.35+1.9Tatyana McFadden5 June 2016Indianapolis
T6114.95+1.5Vanessa Louw20 January 2020Canberra
T6212.78+1.0Fleur Jong21 August 2020Leverkusen
T6313.98+0.6Ambra Sabatini13 July 2023Paris[181]
T6412.64+1.6Fleur Jong3 June 2021Bydgoszcz[182]

Olympic medalists


World Championships medalists


See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Giddens . David . 2017-08-10 . Meet me in the middle: The weird Donovan Bailey vs. Michael Johnson 150m race . CBC Sports.
  2. Web site: Who is the fastest man in the world? . Sportsscientists.com . 2008-06-26 . 2012-04-11 . https://web.archive.org/web/20120523165116/http://www.sportsscientists.com/2008/06/fastest-man-in-world.html . 2012-05-23 . dead .
  3. Book: Bob Harris. Ramela Mills. Shanon Parker-Bennett. BTEC First Sport. 22 June 2004. Heinemann. 978-0-435-45460-9. 35.
  4. Web site: The Day - Google News Archive Search. news.google.com.
  5. Web site: Athletics Weekly • View topic - IAAF Tweaks False Start Rule . 23 August 2012 . https://web.archive.org/web/20140729032958/http://www.athleticsweekly.com/messageboard/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3893 . 29 July 2014 . dead .
  6. News: IAAF keeps one false-start rule . BBC . 15 August 2008 . 3 August 2005.
  7. News: Gatlin queries false start change . 15 August 2008 . BBC News . 6 May 2005.
  8. News: Who Can Beat Bolt in the 100? Himself. The New York Times. Christopher Clarey. 28 August 2011. 28 August 2011.
  9. News: The disqualification of Usain Bolt. IAAF. 28 August 2011. 28 August 2011. https://web.archive.org/web/20110914091209/http://daegu2011.iaaf.org/newslistdetail.aspx?id=61468. 14 September 2011. dead.
  10. Web site: Usain Bolt 100m 10 meter Splits and Speed Endurance . Speedendurance.com . 22 August 2008 . 7 August 2012.
  11. Web site: IAAF Competition Rules 2009, Rule 164 . IAAF . 23 August 2009 . Sandre-Tom . https://web.archive.org/web/20110723135925/http://www.goldenleague.net/mm/Document/Competitions/TechnicalArea/04/95/59/20090303014358_httppostedfile_CompetitionRules2009_printed_8986.pdf . 23 July 2011 . dead .
  12. http://www.iaaf.org/community/athletics/trackfield/newsid=4666.html 100 metres
  13. Web site: Associated Press. Progression of 100 meters world record. ESPN. 12 May 2006 . 28 June 2011.
  14. Web site: 100 Metres Results . . 16 August 2009 . 31 May 2011 . dead . https://web.archive.org/web/20090823185525/http://berlin.iaaf.org/documents/pdf/3658/AT-100-M-f--1--.RS1.pdf . 23 August 2009 .
  15. http://www.iaaf.org/statistics/toplists/inout=o/age=n/season=0/sex=W/all=y/legal=A/disc=100/detail.html 100 Metres All Time
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