(612901) 2004 XP14 explained

  1. FFC2E0
Discovered:10 December 2004
Mp Category:NEOApolloPHA
Observation Arc:1007 days (2.76 yr)
Epoch:13 January 2016 (JD 2457400.5)
Period:1.08 yr (393.87 d)
Asc Node:281.045°
Arg Peri:273.695°
Mean Anomaly:10.1555°
Mean Motion: /day
Mean Diameter:
300–800 m
Abs Magnitude:19.4

is a sub-kilometer asteroid, classified as a near-Earth object and potentially hazardous asteroid of the Apollo group. It was first observed by the LINEAR project on 10 December 2004.


Although initially there were concerns that it might possibly impact Earth later in the 21st century and thus merit special monitoring, further analysis of its orbit has since ruled out any such collision, at least in the foreseeable future.

The size of is not precisely known. Based on optical measurements, the object is between 300 and 800 meters in diameter. Radar observations place a lower bound of about 260m (850feet).

's closest pass by Earth was above the west coast of North America at 04:25 UTC on 3 July 2006.

The asteroid's distance from Earth's center of mass at that moment was 0.0028906abbr=onNaNabbr=on, or just 1.1 times the Moon's average distance from Earth. It was observed immediately after this close approach by radar from three locations, from Goldstone in the Mojave Desert in the US, from Sicily, and from Yevpatoria RT-70 radio telescope, Ukraine, as well as optically from other observatories and amateurs.

It was removed from the Sentry Risk Table on 17 March 2005.

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