Óscar Castro Ramírez Explained

Oscar Castro Ramírez,[1] (13 May 1947[2] – 25 April 2021[3]), was a Chilean playwright, actor and director of the Aleph Theater.


Óscar Castro founded the Aleph Theatre in Santiago in 1968 with fellow students. Self-taught and politically active, the Aleph wrote and staged a series of musical plays and produced satirical programmes for Chilean television. On tour in France at the time of the coup d’état in September 1973, the company presented La Trinchera del Supertricio (an allegory of the military coup) in October 1974. As a result, several actors of the troupe were arrested, interrogated and tortured: two disappeared under interrogation[4] and two others (Óscar Castro and his sister Marieta) were interned in concentration camps for two years. During his internment, Óscar created a new play each week for the «Viernes culturales» for his fellow inmates.[5]

On his release in 1976, Óscar was exiled[6] and sought asylum in France.
Since 1976, Óscar lived in Paris where he continued to create plays and write novels. The Aleph Theatre company, which he directed, is based in the Parisian suburb of Ivry sur Seine, where they have their own theatre space. Over the years, the Aleph Theatre company has become a myth and a reference for Latin-American theatre and Erase una vez un rey Once upon a time there was a king, written in 1971, has become today one of the most frequently performed plays throughout Central and Latin America.

He died from COVID-19 on 25 April 2021 at the age of 73 in Paris, France.[7]


Some dates

Óscar Castro has written, directed and performed in more than 30 Aleph creations, touring in France, Europe, Russia and North, Central and Latin America.

Some peoples

Óscar Castro was surrounded by key figures with whom he collaborated:

And Hector Noguera,[15] Noël Mamère, Claude Lelouch, Jacques Higelin, Thomas Gilou, Luis Sepúlveda, Antonio Skármeta, Ariel Dorfman, Frédéric Laffont.




External links

Notes and References

  1. Oscar Castro on IMDb http://www.imdb.fr/name/nm0145664/
  2. Web site: Falleció en Francia el actor y director de teatro Óscar Castro. 25 April 2021.
  3. https://www.latercera.com/culto/2021/04/25/muere-el-actor-y-director-teatral-oscar-castro/ Muere el actor y director teatral Óscar Castro
  4. Julieta Ramirez Gallegos http://www.memoriaviva.com/Desaparecidos/D-R/1x.htm
  5. Grimaldi Social Club https://www.google.com/#q=oscar+castro&hl=en&prmd=imvnsb&ei=0YEMT7qCLIzZ8QO7kLWsBg&start=440&sa=N&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=a2d02d2877a6ee5&biw=1680&bih=853
  6. Apocatastasis Entrevista de Óscar Castro por Xrisi Tefarikis http://www.apocatastasis.com/oscar-castro-actor-dramaturgo-chileno.php#axzz1j538tibE
  7. https://www.t13.cl/noticia/tendencias/muere-covid-19-oscar-castro-teatro-aleph-francia-25-04-2021 Muere en Francia por COVID-19 Oscar Castro, fundador del teatro Aleph
  8. 8° rencontres Charles Dullin.extrait INA.http://www.ina.fr/fictions-et-animations/theatre/video/PAC00031611/la-nuit-suspendue.fr.html
  9. Los alumnos del Taller de Radio del IES Tiempos Modernos entrevistan a Óscar Castro, actor de teatro http://www.ivoox.com/entrevista-oscar-castro-audios-mp3_rf_677402_1.html
  10. Saravah Le Kabaret de la dernière chance http://www.saravah.fr/pierre-barouh/au-kabaret-de-la-derniere-chance,1075
  11. Théâtre des Quartiers d’Ivry http://www.theatre-quartiers-ivry.com/fr/la-saison/evenements/p_event-5/
  12. Fluctuat.net. le 11 septembre http://www.fluctuat.net/1138-Le-11-septembre-de-Salvador-Allende-Oscar-Castro
  13. Adel Hakim met en scène Oscar CASTRO La Francolatina http://agenda.lafrancolatina.com/spip.php?article265
  14. quand Oscar Castro devient porteur d’eau http://chantal-bourvic.elunet.fr/index.php/post/02/03/2011/Quand-Oscar-Castro-devient-porteurs-deau
  15. La francolatina http://www.lafrancolatina.com/spip.php?article1015
  16. Les éditions de l’amandier. http://www.editionsamandier.fr/f/index.php?sp=livAut&auteur_id=24
  17. Maison d'Amérique Latine http://culturel.mal217.org/fr/Agenda/Theatre/2012/02/16/Rencontre-avec-Oscar-Castro-4333.htm
  18. Dossier de presse Fleur de Cannelle. Arte http://download.pro.arte.tv/archives/fichiers/01778568.pdf
  19. Chili con Carne http://pascaleroberts.chez.com/99Chili.htm
  20. Oscar Castro on IMDb http://www.imdb.fr/name/nm0145714/
  21. https://archive.today/20120803104002/http://www.journal-laterrasse.fr/Oscar-Castro-Adel-Hakim-1-4661.html La Terrasse
  22. Froggy delight http://www.froggydelight.com/article-8516-La_maison_accepte_l_echec
  23. L’exilé Mateluna dans la voix du nord http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/Locales/Dunkerque/actualite/Secteur_Dunkerque/2011/11/24/article_avec-l-exile-mateluna-oscar-castro-rend.shtml
  24. https://www.facebook.com/#!/EraseUnaVezUnRey Erase una vez un rey in the world