Ó Droighneáin Explained

Ó Droighneáin, Gaelic-Irish surname.


Ó Droighneáin was a surname of at least two different septs, located in Counties Cork and Galway, but has been 'translated' as Thornton, an English surname. "[Thornton] is a portmanteau English name for Ó Draighneáin, Mac Sceacháin, Ó Toráin. The connection is: draighean, blackthorn; sceach, whitethorn; tor, a bush. MacLysaght remarks that some Thorntons in Limerick were 16 cent planters." https://www.johngrenham.com/findasurname.php?surname=thornton.

Ó Droighneáin remains in use as an Irish-language surname.

Bearers of the surname

See also

External links