Åmliavisa Explained

Åmliavisa (The Åmli Gazette) is a local Norwegian weekly newspaper covering the municipality of Åmli in county and neighboring areas. It was first published in March 2008.[1] The newspaper was named Nynorsk User of the Year in 2008.[2] [3] Esben Holm Eskelund edited the paper from 2014 to 2015,[4] and was succeeded by Camilla Glad in April 2015.[5] [6] It is issued every Tuesday.

The newspaper is owned by the company ÅmliAvisa AS, which has 164 shareholders, including individuals, organizations, businesses, and the municipality.[1]



According to the Norwegian Audit Bureau of Circulations and the National Association of Local Newspapers, Åmliavisa has had the following annual circulation:

External links

Notes and References

  1. http://www.amliavisa.no/ Åmliavisa: Om Åmliavisa.
  2. http://www.nm.no/tekst.cfm?id=2595 Noregs Mållag: ÅmliAvisa er årets nynorskbrukar 2008.
  3. http://www.aasentunet.no/iaa/no/om_oss/arets_nynorskbrukar/ Ivar Aasen-tunet: Årets nynorskbrukar.
  4. http://www.agderposten.no/kjop-tilgang?aId=1.609244 Ny ledelse i Åmliavisa. 2014. Agderposten (January 9).
  5. http://www.amliavisa.no/hun-blir-avisredaktor/ Hun blir ny avisredaktør. 2015. Åmliavisa (April 15).
  6. http://www.agderposten.no/kjop-tilgang?aId=1.1397237 Nye redaktører i Frolendingen og Åmliavisa. 2015. Agderposten (April 15).
  7. http://www.agderposten.no/kjop-tilgang?aId=1.1160570 Krise i ÅmliAvisa. 2014. Agderposten (June 11).
  8. http://medienorge.uib.no/?cat=statistikk&page=avis&queryID=190 Medienorge: Opplagstall norske aviser.