Àngel Simon Explained

Àngel Simon
Birth Date:9 November 1957
Birth Place:Manresa, Spain
Education:Polytechnic University of Catalonia and ESADE
Occupation:CEO of CriteriaCaixa

Ángel Simón Grimaldos is a Spanish businessman, CEO of CriteriaCaixa. Simón has been the executive president of Grupo Agbar from 2010 to 2024.[1]

Ángel Simón Grimaldos studied roads, ports and canals engineering at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. In 1989, he became the head of the Área Metropolitana de Barcelona. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech (1980) and an MBA from ESADE Business School.

The Agbar Group, with over 150 years of history, has a staff of 16,239 and comprises more than 128 companies that operate in the complete water-cycle sector, serving more than 26 million inhabitants throughout the world (Spain, Chile, Mexico, Cuba, Colombia, Peru, etc.).[2]

Barcelona before the Olympic Games

Between 1980 and 1989, Simón held various technical and management positions in companies and government agencies. After managing SOGEMASA, a public supply company, and Sociedad Catalana de Capital Riesgo, S.A.'s projects in the years leading up to the 1992 Olympic Games, the then mayor of Barcelona, Pasqual Maragall, appointed him to manage the Mancomunitat de Municipis de l'Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona and the other entities that together made up Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB) and which were replacing the Corporació Metropolitana de Barcelona following its dissolution by the Convergència i Unió government in 1987.[3]

Driven by the preparations under way for the 1992 Olympic Games, it was a period that saw the city of Barcelona transformed thanks to projects such as the Olympic Village, the ring roads and the opening up of the coastline, as well as the implementation of projects such as the rehabilitation of the Llobregat and Besòs riverbanks, the creation of Serra de Collserola Natural Park and the Metropolitan Sanitation Plan.

Business Activity in Latin America and Portugal

Between 1989 and 1995, he was manager of the Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB). He joined Agbar in 1995 and was subsequently appointed company delegate in Portugal, a country which, like Spain, signed the Treaty of Accession to the European Economic Community (EEC) on 12 June 1985, which came into force in 1986.[4] He held the post of Agbar delegate in Portugal until 1998, when he became the Group's international general manager for the water and sanitation sector (until 1999). In 1995, he became a delegate to Grupo Agbar in Portugal. In 1998, he was named the international general director of Agbar. From 1999 to 2002, he was the head manager of Aguas Andinas, and CEO from 2002 to 2010.[5]

In the last decade of the 20th century and into the coming decade, Agbar had a significant presence in Argentina, in cities such as Santa Fe, Córdoba, Rosario and Buenos Aires. It has been an active participant in Aguas Argentinas, a company in which it attained a 25% share, since 1993. In 2003, Agbar, together with its partners in SUEZ, filed claims before the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) for lack of protection of its investments, returning the concession in 2005. The courts awarded compensation in favour of the shareholders amounting to around US$7 billion.[6] [7]

The change made to the Portuguese Constitution, which has undergone seven revisions since 1976, in 1997 opened the country up to public-private partnerships and allowed Agbar to acquire the Setúbal water service and the sanitation service in Vale do Ave. The latter was the main area of operation of the Lusaga company, which had traditionally operated the Alcanena Tannery Treatment Plant.[8]

After three years in Portugal, in 1998 Simón took over international management of the Group's water and wastewater sector in 1998. In this post, he furthered Agbar's international reach, coinciding with the global impact Barcelona achieved following the 1992 Olympic Games.[9]

He designed and led Agbar's entry into Chile in 1999 through the acquisition of Empresa Metropolitana de Obras Sanitarias (EMOS), the country's leading company and its second to be put out to tender for public-private participation, after ESVAL.[10] He was EMOS's first general manager following the Chilean government's transfer of this company's control to the Group.[11] [12]

The objective at the time of the company's acquisition was to go from a 3% wastewater treatment rate to treatment of 100% of the water.[13] The roll-out of the Zanjón de la Aguada project was one of the major undertakings. The renovation and modernisation of this waterway, which runs through the capital, Santiago, and frequently broke its banks, placed Chile at the forefront in South America and made it a benchmark.[14] Simón remained at the Chilean company's helm for three years, during which time it was renamed Aguas Andinas following an internal process to attain greater proximity to the public.[15] It is currently one of the most highly regarded sanitation companies in Latin America and provides service to more than 7 million inhabitants in Santiago de Chile and its metropolitan area.

In 2000, Agbar teamed up with Aguas de La Habana as a technological partner, becoming the first mixed company with foreign capital to manage a public service in the country.[16]

Between 2002 and 2004, Simón was CEO of the subsidiary dedicated to the water and sanitation sector.1 After his time in Chile, in September 2004 Simón was appointed managing director of the Agbar Group,[17] during Ricardo Fornesa's final period as president after an 11-year career with the Group.

In 2006, Simón played a leading role in Agbar's first major European operation in the United Kingdom, with the purchase of Bristol Water through a friendly takeover bid.[17] In October 2012, 70% of the company was sold to the Canadian investment fund CIP, with Agbar staying on as manager.[18] In 2008, Simón became CEO of Agbar, a position he held until being named president.

As CEO, he took on the task of refocusing the Group's activity, which in recent years had diversified and expanded into other sectors, so as to concentrate exclusively on the water sector in all its aspect. This allowed the company to divest itself, between 2007 and 2010, of companies such as Cespa, Applus+, ACSA, Adeslas and ASM.[19]

In 2010, Àngel Simon became the executive President of the Spanish water treatment company Grupo Agbar.[20] Since 2013, he is the senior executive vicepresident of Water Europe of Suez (formerly Suez Environnement), and led the acquisition of Aguas Andinas.[21] In 2016, he announced the sale of the water management concession of the city of Barcelona.[22] In 2018, he stood against Podemos' proposition to "remunicipalize" Barcelona's water system.[23]


In June 2010, following the takeover by Suez Environnement, he took over as executive chair of Agbar.

From 2013 to 2022, he held the position of Executive Vice President of Suez, in charge of Spain, Southern Europe and Latin America.[24]

In 2021, the French group Veolia, a world leader in resource management (water, energy and waste) and in ecological transformation, made a public offer for the acquisition of Suez shares.[25] [26] Following the validation by the European Commission,[27] in January 2022, the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) published the results of Veolia's takeover bid for 95.95% of Suez's capital.[28] [29]

Following this process of integration in Veolia, since March 2022, Angel Simón has held the position of Senior Vice President Iberia & Latam on Veolia's Executive Committee.[30] [31]

He also became president of Aigües de Barcelona, Empresa Metropolitana de Gestió del Cicle Integral de l'Aigua, S.A., a post he still holds today. The public-private company, which serves almost thirty municipalities and more than three and a half million inhabitants, was created in 2012, and its creation would later be corroborated by a ruling of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia in 2019.[32] Societat General d'Aigües de Barcelona (SGAB) owns 70% of the company, Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), 15%, and Criteria Caixa, 15%.[33]

In 2012, the company he manages, AGBAR, created the Solidarity Fund to help families at risk of social exclusion who could not pay their water bill, working jointly with the social services of the town councils involved.[34] This initiative was positively assessed by the Catalan Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies (Ivàlua).[35]

Entrepreneur of the Year 2020

In 2020, Catalan employers' organisation Foment del Treball awarded him the Medal of Honour for Entrepreneur of the Year 202025 in honour of his defence of public-private collaboration and his work to ensure access to water and sanitation, essential services during the pandemic.[36] He was also selected by the Cercle d'Economia to chair the European Green Deal commission[37] to promote networking, knowledge transfer, equal opportunities and the circular economy.

Agbar today

The Solidarity Fund, managed through the Agbar Foundation, aims to be an example of a new model of company-society relations and involvement and of commitment to the territory to help integrate all members of the community and improve people's quality of life. Among its objectives is to promote social innovation as a basis for sustainable development and transformation. The fund is based on a concept of water as a shared public resource, and a commitment to the territory.[38]

The company is committed to promoting Barcelona as a major global hub for knowledge and innovation in water management, which is a fundamental resource in the face of climate change.[39] In different forums of debate, Agbar has advocated for promoting a new company-user social pact to guarantee a stable framework that puts people at the centre.[40]

Angel Simón chairs the Agbar Foundation,[41] which manages the Agbar Water Museum, and the Aquae Foundation,[42] aimed at environmental education and awareness. He is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Princess of Girona Foundation.[43] In July 2022, the Princess of Girona Foundation Awards Ceremony was held at the Water Museum in Cornellá de Llobregat.[44]



  1. Web site: 2024-01-25 . Ángel Simón, nombrado consejero delegado de Criteria Caixa . 2024-06-06 . La Vanguardia . es.
  2. Web site: kinton.es. Historia. 14 May 2021. sgab. es-Es.
  3. Web site: Corporació Metropolitana de Barcelona enciclopèdia.cat. 14 May 2021. www.enciclopedia.cat.
  4. Web site: Anonymous. 5 July 2016. Países. 14 May 2021. Unión Europea. en.
  5. News: 15 October 2015. Ángel Simón Grimaldos, presidente ejecutivo de Agbar, presidirá iWater Barcelona 2016. Tecno Aqua. 10 September 2019.
  6. Web site: Bayón. Álvaro. 17 December 2018. El Ciadi obliga a Argentina a pagar 200 millones a Agbar y Suez. 14 May 2021. Cinco Días. es.
  7. Web site: 8 May 2017. Argentina pagará 350 millones a Agbar, Suez y Vivendi por rescindir concesión. 14 May 2021. La Vanguardia. es.
  8. News: García. Javier. 3 September 1997. Portugal aprueba una reforma constitucional que autoriza referendos sobre la UE. es. El País. 14 May 2021. 1134-6582.
  9. Web site: Barcelona '92, molt més que uns Jocs -. 14 May 2021. Catalan-Architects. ca.
  10. News: 11 June 1999. Agbar y Lyonnaise toman el 42% de la empresa de aguas de la capital chilena. es. El País. 14 May 2021. 1134-6582.
  11. Web site: 3 March 2016. El Mercurio.com. 14 May 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20160303175205/http://diario.elmercurio.cl/detalle/index.asp?id=%7B59df03f2-cf01-40dd-be93-6f2ba6a10f2d%7D. 3 March 2016.
  12. Web site: 3 March 2016. El Mercurio.com. 14 May 2021. https://web.archive.org/web/20160303231914/http://diario.elmercurio.cl/detalle/index.asp?id=%7B51ae7414-2e91-4049-8643-6c03bda94a93%7D. 3 March 2016.
  13. Web site: Pacto Global.
  14. Web site: El Mostrador.
  15. Web site: El Mercurio. https://web.archive.org/web/20160304035514/http://diario.elmercurio.cl/detalle/index.asp?id=%7B48d1b44d-bd7a-42f3-ba50-f7e189dcb2ed%7D. 4 March 2016. live.
  16. Web site: DÍAS. CINCO. 7 June 2002. Aguas de Barcelona invierte 5 millones de euros en mejorar su red de La Habana. 13 May 2021. Cinco Días. es.
  17. Web site: G. T.. 29 September 2004. Agbar nombra director general a Ángel Simón tras la salida de Jové. 12 May 2021. Cinco Días. es.
  18. Web site: 5 October 2011. Agbar vende Bristol Water por 152 millones. 12 May 2021. La Vanguardia. es.
  19. Web site: AGENCIAS. RTVE es /. 22 October 2009. La Caixa compra Adeslas por 1.178 millones y cede Agbar a la francesa Suez. 12 May 2021. RTVE.es. es.
  20. Web site: Ángel Simón reorganiza la cúpula de Agbar, Empresas, expansion.com . 10 August 2019 . www.expansion.com . es.
  21. News: Ángel Simon, el hombre clave del grupo Suez que creó Aguas Andinas. Orellana. Gustavo. 10 August 2019. LT Pulso. 10 September 2019.
  22. Web site: Agbar ve peligrar la base de su imperio: la concesión del área de Barcelona. 21 March 2016. El Confidencial. es. 31 October 2019.
  23. Web site: Ángel Simón: "El agua es de dominio público y no cabe remunicipalizarla". Molina. Carlos. 8 October 2018. Cinco Días. es. 10 September 2019.
  24. Web site: 2013-03-22 . Suez Environnement nombra a Ángel Simón (Agbar) responsable de Agua en Europa . 2022-10-25 . Europa Press.
  25. Web site: Sánchez . Irene Casado . 2021-04-12 . Las francesas Veolia y Suez entierran el hacha de guerra . 2022-10-25 . elperiodico . es.
  26. Web site: 2021-06-27 . Veolia logra luz verde del consejo de Suez para su opa de 9.000 millones de euros . 2022-10-25 . EXPANSION . es.
  27. Web site: Press corner . 2022-10-25 . European Commission - European Commission . en.
  28. Web site: Veolia se acerca al 100% del capital de Suez, incluida su filial Agbar . 2022-10-25 . es.
  29. Web site: Agencias . 2022-01-27 . Veolia controla ya el 95,95% de Suez y la absorberá completamente . 2022-10-25 . Cinco Días . es.
  30. Web site: Executive committee . 2022-10-25 . Veolia . en.
  31. Web site: 2021-07-29 . Ángel Simón entra en la ejecutiva de Veolia, al frente de España y Latinoamérica . 2022-10-25 . La Vanguardia . es.
  32. Web site: 20 November 2019. El Tribunal Supremo da la razón a Agbar y valida la legalidad de la empresa mixta del agua. 12 May 2021. EXPANSION. es.
  33. News: Cordero. Dani. 14 August 2013. Creada la sociedad mixta que gestionará el agua en Barcelona. es. El País. 12 May 2021. 1134-6582.
  34. Web site: H. Creada 20 March 2014 22:19 H/Última actualización 20 March 2014 22:19. 20 March 2014. Unas 9.000 familias se benefician del fondo de solidaridad de Agbar. 12 May 2021. La Razón. es.
  35. Web site: 14 December 2015. Un informe valora muy positivamente el Fondo de Solidaridad de Agbar. 12 May 2021. Europa Press.
  36. Web site: Agbar garantiza el suministro y la calidad del agua. 11 May 2021. Crónica Global. es.
  37. Web site: El Círculo de Economía 'ficha' a Ángel Simón y Mas-Colell. 11 May 2021. Crónica Global. es.
  38. Web site: 20 March 2014. El fondo de solidaridad de Agbar cubre la factura de agua de 25.000 personas. 11 May 2021. Economía Digital. es.
  39. Web site: Ángel Simón plantea la creación de un 'hub' mundial sobre la gestión del agua en Barcelona. 11 May 2021. www.metropoliabierta.com. es.
  40. Web site: 21 July 2020. Ángel Simón aboga por la ampliación del contrato social. 11 May 2021. La Vanguardia. es.
  41. Web site: Fundación Agbar . 2022-10-25 . www.fundacioagbar.org . es.
  42. Web site: La Fundación del agua . 2022-10-25 . Fundación Aquae . es.
  43. Web site: FPdGi - Fundación Princesa de Girona . 2022-10-25 . FPdGi . es-ES.
  44. Web site: 2022-07-04 . Los Reyes, la Princesa y la Infanta, en la entrega de los Premios FPdGi en Cornellà (Barcelona) . 2022-10-25 . Europa Press.
  45. News: Angel Simón, vicepresidente de Suez, recibe la Medalla de Honor del Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos. Valeiro. Javier. 16 June 2017. 10 September 2019.
  46. Web site: Àngel Simón recibe la Llave de Barcelona y pide huir de los populismos. Periódico. El. 9 February 2018. elperiodico. es. 10 August 2019.

External links