¿Quién es la máscara? (Uruguayan TV series) explained
¿Quién es la máscara? (abbreviated as La máscara) is a Uruguayan reality singing competition television series that premiered on Teledoce on May 5, 2022.[1] It is part of the Masked Singer franchise which began in South Korea and features celebrities singing songs while wearing head-to-toe costumes and face masks concealing their identities.[2] Hosted by Maximiliano de la Cruz, the program employs Fabián Delgado, Sofía Rodríguez, Patricia Wolf and Pablo Turturiello, who serve as panelists who guess the celebrities' identities by interpreting clues provided to them throughout the season.[3]
In November 2021, it was reported that Teledoce was negotiating to acquire the rights to Masked Singer, with the aim of producing it in 2022, as one of its big bets for its sixtieth anniversary.[4] On January 3, 2022, the adaptation of the format was formally announced under the title of ¿Quién es la máscara?[5]
Following the announcement of the series, it was confirmed that the permanent panel of "investigators" would consist of dancer and choreographer Emir Abdul Gani,[6] presenter and journalist Sofía Rodríguez,[7] singer and songwriter Fabián Delgado, and model and television personality Patricia Wolf.[8] In late March, Maximiliano de la Cruz was confirmed as the host of the show.[9]
In late April 2022, it was revealed that Camila Rajchman and Leticia Píriz would join the show to present behind the scenes and manage social networks respectively.[10] The show's air date was confirmed through its official Instagram account for May 5, 2022.[11] On October 27, 2022, the competition was renewed for a second series in 2023.[12] [13] It premiered on April 13.[14]
In the last episode of the second season it was announced that the show had been renewed for a third season, and premiered on June 22, 2023.[15] It was also revealed that Emir Abdul Gani would not return and would be replaced by singer-songwriter Fer Vázquez.[16] In May 2024, the show was renewed for a fourth season.[17] It was also announced that actor and singer Pablo Turturiello would replace Fer Vázquez as a panelist,[18] and that Candelaria de la Cruz ―Maximiliano de la Cruz's daughter― would be the new behind-the-scenes presenter.[19]
Season 1
See main article: ¿Quién es la máscara? (Uruguayan TV series) season 1. Contestants
Stage name | Celebrity | Occupation | Episodes |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
Monstruo (Monster) | Manuela da Silveira | Actress | RISK | | | | WIN | | RISK | | WIN | | | RISK | WIN | RISK | WIN | bgcolor=gold | WINNER |
Gata Espejada (Mirrored Cat) | Maria Jose Alvarez | Singer | WIN | | | | | WIN | | WIN | | WIN | WIN | | WIN | WIN | WIN | bgcolor=silver | RUNNER - UP |
Astronauta (Astronaut) | Fer Vázquez | Singer | RISK | | | | | WIN | WIN | | WIN | | RISK | | RISK | WIN | RISK | THIRD |
Popcorn | Lucía Rodríguez | Comedian | | | RISK | | RISK | | | WIN | | WIN | | WIN | RISK | WIN | OUT | |
Ultratón | Gerardo Nieto | Singer | | WIN | | WIN | | | WIN | | RISK | | WIN | | WIN | OUT | |
Hueva (Egg) | Silvia Novarese | Actress | | RISK | | RISK | | | | WIN | WIN | | | WIN | OUT | |
Cactus | Valeria Ripoll | Politician | | WIN | | | WIN | | RISK | | | RISK | | OUT | |
Tero | Juan Ramón Carrasco | Football coach | | WIN | | | WIN | | | RISK | | WIN | OUT | |
Catrina | | Presenter | | | WIN | WIN | | | | RISK | | OUT | |
Tiburón (Shark) | Hatila Passos | Basketball player | | | WIN | WIN | | | WIN | | OUT | |
Rhino | Ricardo Alarcón | Businessman | | | WIN | | | WIN | | OUT | |
Piggy Pop | Déborah Rodríguez | Runner/Model | WIN | | | | | RISK | OUT | |
Burro (Donkey) | Miguel Ángel Rodríguez | Actor | | RISK | | | | OUT | |
Sapo (Toad) | Pichu Straneo | Actor | | | RISK | | bgcolor=salmon | OUT | |
Helado (Ice Cream) | China Suárez | Actress | WIN | | | bgcolor=salmon | OUT | |
Pingüino (Penguin) | Cristian Rodríguez | Footballer | | | bgcolor=salmon | OUT | |
Máquina de Dulces (Candy Machine) | Arturo Valls | Actor | | bgcolor=salmon | OUT | |
Beagle | Cristian Castro | Singer | bgcolor=salmon | OUT | | |
Week 1 (5 May)
Week 2 (12 May)
Week 3 (19 May)
Week 4 (26 May)
Week 5 (2 June)
Week 6 (9 June)
Week 7 (16 June)
Week 8 (23 June)
Week 9 (30 June)
Week 10 (7 July)
Week 11 (14 July)
Week 12 (21 July)
- Guest performance: "Solo Se Vive Una Vez" by Azúcar Moreno performed by Hombre Disco
Week 13 (28 July)
Week 14 (4 August)
Week 15 (11 August)
- Guest performance: "Noche de Rock" by Trotsky Vengarán performed by Celso Cuadro as "Hombre Disco"
Week 15 (18 August) - Finale
Season 2
See main article: ¿Quién es la máscara? (Uruguayan TV series) season 2. Contestants
Stage name | Celebrity | Occupation | Episodes |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Caniche (Poodle) | Annasofía Facello | Presenter | WIN | | WIN | | | | RISK | WIN | WIN | bgcolor=gold | WINNER |
Chancleta (Sandal) (WC) | Agus Padilla | Singer | | | RISK | WIN | WIN | | WIN | WIN | WIN | bgcolor=silver | RUNNER-UP |
Vaquita (Little Cow) | Florencia Infante | Actress | WIN | | | | RISK | | WIN | RISK | RISK | THIRD PLACE |
Monstruito (Little Monster) | Guillermo Peluffo | Musician | | WIN | | | WIN | RISK | WIN | WIN | bgcolor=salmon | OUT | |
Carpincho (Capybara) | Mario Bergara | Politician | | bgcolor=#F888FD | WIN | WIN | | WIN | WIN | | bgcolor=salmon | OUT | |
Emoji | Gonzalo Moratorio | Virologist | | RISK | | bgcolor=#F888FD | WIN | | WIN | bgcolor=salmon | OUT | |
Koala Espejado (Mirrored Koala) | Laurita Fernández | Dancer | | WIN | | WIN | | bgcolor=salmon | OUT | |
Halcón (Hawk) | Carmelo Vidalín | Politician | WIN | | | RISK | bgcolor=salmon | OUT | |
Camello (Camel) (WC) | Facundo Arana | Musician | | | WIN | OUT | |
Jirafa (Giraffe) | Alejandro Figueredo | Journalist | RISK | | bgcolor=salmon | OUT | |
Mulita (Armadillo) | Emiliano Brancciari | Singer | | bgcolor=salmon | OUT | |
Muffin | Marta Sánchez | Singer | bgcolor=salmon | OUT | | |
Week 1 (13 April)
Week 2 (20 April)
Week 3 (27 April and 3 May)
Week 4 (11 May)
Week 5 (18 May)
- Guest Performance: "Volare" by Gipsy Kings performed by Rey Leon
Week 6 (25 May)
Week 7 (1 June)
Week 8 (8 June)
- Guest Performance: "A Mi Manera" by Gipsy Kings performed by Cacho de la Cruz as Rey Leon
Week 9 (15 June) - Finale
Season 3
See main article: ¿Quién es la máscara? (Uruguayan TV series) season 3. Contestants
Stage name! rowspan="2" Celebrity | Occupation | Episodes |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 11 |
Tigresa (Tigress) | Luana | Singer | WIN | | | WIN | | WIN | WIN | WIN | WIN | bgcolor=gold | WINNER |
Calavera (Skull) | Freddy "Zurdo" Bessio | Singer | WIN | | WIN | | | | WIN | WIN | RISK | bgcolor=silver | RUNNER-UP |
Brócoli (Broccoli) | Christian Font | Journalist | | WIN | | | WIN | RISK | RISK | RISK | WIN | THIRD PLACE |
Alien | Natalie Pérez | Singer | RISK | | WIN | | | WIN | | WIN | OUT | |
Palta (Avocado) | Catalina Ferrand | TV host | | WIN | RISK | WIN | WIN | | WIN | OUT | |
Car Wash (WC) | Raúl "El Flaco" Castro | Singer | | | WIN | RISK | WIN | WIN | OUT | |
Baby Dino | Daniel K | Magician | | WIN | | | RISK | OUT | |
Hombre Hielo (Ice Man) | Gastón "Tonga" Reyno | MMA fighter | WIN | | | WIN | OUT | |
Mamushka | Zaira Nara | Model | | RISK | | OUT | |
Abuelo Monstruo (Grandpa Monster) (WC) | Jorge Fucile | Former footballer | | | OUT | |
Gorila (Gorilla) | La Mona Jiménez | Singer | | OUT | |
Camaleón (Chameleon) | Itziar Ituño | Actress | OUT | | |
Week 1 (22 June)
Week 2 (29 June)
Week 3 (6 July)
Week 4 (13 July)
Week 5 (20 July)
Week 6 (27 July)
Week 7 (3 August)
Week 8 (10 August)
Week 9 (17 August)
Week 11 (31 August) - Finale
Season 4
Stage name! rowspan="2" Celebrity | Occupation | Episodes |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Sapa (Toad) (WC) | Claudia Fernández | Actress | | | WIN | | | WIN | WIN | WIN | WIN | bgcolor=gold | WINNER |
Muñeca de Terror (Horror Doll) | Sole Ramírez | Singer | WIN | | | | WIN | | WIN | RISK | WIN | bgcolor=silver | RUNNER-UP |
Cono (Cone) | Frankie Lampariello | Singer | WIN | | | RISK | | | RISK | WIN | WIN | THIRD |
Tucán (Toucan) | Paola Bianco | Actress | | RISK | WIN | WIN | | RISK | | | OUT | |
Choclo (Corn) | Andy Vila | Actress | RISK | | | | WIN | WIN | WIN | WIN | OUT | |
Hamburguesa (Hamburger) (WC) | Adriana da Silva | Actress | | | WIN | WIN | RISK | WIN | | OUT | |
Vikingo (Viking) | Álvaro Gutiérrez | Former Footballer | | WIN | | WIN | WIN | | OUT | |
El Gato y El Ratón (The Cat and The Mouse) | Pedro Alfonso | Actors | WIN | WIN | | | | OUT | |
Paula Chavez |
Cachorro (Dog) (WC) | Sebastián Abreu | Former Footballer | | | | | OUT | |
Niño Monstruo (Monster Boy) (WC) | Gabriel Goity | Actor | | | RISK | OUT | |
Hamster | Pablo Granados | Actor | | WIN | OUT | |
Calcetines (Socks) | Alberto Kesman | Journalist | | OUT | |
Gallo (Rooster) | José Luis Rodríguez | Singer | OUT | | |
Week 1 (17 June)
Week 2 (24 June)
Week 3 (2 July)
Week 4 (5 July)
Week 5 (15 July)
Week 6 (22 July)
Week 7 (29 July)
Week 8 (5 August)
Week 9 (12 August)
Week 10 (19 August) - Finale
- Web site: 2022-01-08 . Se viene la versión uruguaya de The Masked Singer: canal 12 producirá el reality . 2022-05-01 . https://web.archive.org/web/20220108222317/https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/se-viene-la-version-uruguaya-de-the-masked-singer-canal-12-producira-el-reality--20221817398 . 8 January 2022 . dead.
- Web site: 2022-02-04 . Teledoce de Uruguay prepara el estreno de The Masked Singer . 2022-05-01 . TTV News . es-ES.
- Web site: 2022-02-16 . La Máscara, el nuevo programa de talentos de Canal 12, ya tiene a todo su jurado . 2022-05-01 . https://web.archive.org/web/20220216013903/https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/la-mascara-el-nuevo-programa-de-juegos-de-canal-12-ya-tiene-a-todo-su-jurado-202221514446 . 16 February 2022 . dead.
- Web site: 2021-11-10 . El formato "La máscara", furor en el mundo, se adaptaría en Uruguay: ¿en qué canal? - Tvshow - 10/11/2021 - EL PAÍS Uruguay . 2022-05-01 . https://web.archive.org/web/20211110183404/https://www.elpais.com.uy/tvshow/tv/formato-mascara-furor-mundo-adaptaria-uruguay-canal.html . 10 November 2021 . dead.
- Web site: Llega la versión uruguaya del concurso "La Máscara" . 2022-05-01 . Pantallazo . es.
- Web site: 2022-02-08 . Emir Abdul, el primer jurado confirmado de "La máscara", el megashow de Teledoce - Tvshow - 08/02/2022 - EL PAÍS Uruguay . 2022-05-01 . https://web.archive.org/web/20220208050057/https://www.elpais.com.uy/tvshow/tv/emir-abdul-primer-jurado-confirmado-mascara-megashow-teledoce.html . 8 February 2022 . dead.
- Web site: 2022-02-10 . Se confirma otro jurado de "La máscara" y es uno de los pases del año en la tele uruguaya - Tvshow - 10/02/2022 - EL PAÍS Uruguay . 2022-05-01 . https://web.archive.org/web/20220210153132/https://www.elpais.com.uy/tvshow/tv/confirma-jurado-mascara-pases-ano-tele-uruguaya.html . 10 February 2022 . dead.
- Web site: ElPais . "La Máscara" completó su jurado: ¿quiénes acompañan a Emir Abdul y Sofía Rodríguez? . 2022-05-01 . Diario EL PAIS Uruguay . 15 February 2022 . spanish.
- Web site: ElPais . "¿Quién es la máscara?" ya tiene conductor y es una conocida figura de Canal 12 . 2022-05-01 . Diario EL PAIS Uruguay . 28 March 2022 . spanish.
- Web site: Observador . El . Camila Rajchman y Coco Echagüe conducirán un nuevo programa en Canal 12 . 2022-05-01 . El Observador.
- Web site: ElPais . ¿Cuándo se estrenan "¿Quién es la máscara?" y "El gran juego de la oca" en Canal 12? . 2022-05-01 . Diario EL PAIS Uruguay . 29 April 2022 . spanish.
- Web site: 2022-10-28 . "¿Quién es la máscara?": lanzaron temporada 2 y Maxi De la Cruz presentó al primer participante . 2023-02-23 . EL PAIS . en.
- Web site: "¿Quién es la máscara?" tendrá nuevo ciclo. Estuvimos en el lanzamiento y te contamos todo . 2023-02-23 . Montevideo Portal . es.
- Web site: Redacción . Canal 12 estrenó "Quién es la máscara 2": la primera celebridad revelada es extranjera . 2023-04-16 . El Observador.
- Web site: Cayafa . Pablo . 2023-06-16 . "¿Quién es la máscara?": Se confirma la tercera temporada con cambios en el elenco de investigadores . 2023-06-19 . Diario El País . es-UY.
- Web site: Redacción . La emotiva despedida a Emir Abdul en ¿Quién es la máscara? de Canal 12: por qué abandona el ciclo y cómo sigue su futuro . 2023-06-19 . El Observador.
- Web site: 2024-05-08 . Vuelve "¿Quién es la máscara?" con cambios en el elenco: quién sale y quién se incorpora . 2024-05-26 . EL PAIS . es-UY.
- Web site: Cambios en Canal 12: movimientos en el jurado de ¿Quién es la máscara? para su regreso . http://web.archive.org/web/20240510212124/https://www.elobservador.com.uy/espectaculos-y-cultura/cambios-canal-12-movimientos-el-jurado-quien-es-la-mascara-su-regreso-n5939018 . 2024-05-10 . 2024-05-26 . www.elobservador.com.uy . es-UY.
- Web site: Candelaria, hija de Maxi de la Cruz, es la nueva incorporación de Canal 12 y debutará en ¿Quién es la máscara? . http://web.archive.org/web/20240523175925/https://www.elobservador.com.uy/espectaculos-y-cultura/candelaria-hija-maxi-la-cruz-es-la-nueva-incorporacion-canal-12-y-debutara-quien-es-la-mascara-n5941678 . 2024-05-23 . 2024-05-26 . www.elobservador.com.uy . es-UY.
- Web site: ElPais . Debutó "¿Quién es La Máscara?" y el primer desenmascarado fue una estrella de la música . 2022-05-16 . Diario EL PAIS Uruguay . 6 May 2022 . spanish.
- Web site: esramirez . 2022-05-06 . Cristian Castro sorprende al aparecer en ¿Quién es la Máscara? . 2022-05-16 . TVNotas ¡Irresistible! . es.
- Web site: ElPais . "¿Quién es la máscara?": en el segundo programa había un conocido famoso español . 2022-05-16 . Diario EL PAIS Uruguay . spanish.
External links